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Exercise After-Burn: A Research Update

Just pick up a recent trade magazine and you are almost sure to read about a new exercise program that will accelerate the rate at which you burn fat after you complete a workout. Although this promise is enticing to the exerciser seeking optimal weight loss, rarely is there any scientific evidence validating a particular workout’s postexercise capability to “incinerate fat.”

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Surviving a Tax Audit

Tax season looms near. On second thought, when you work independently or own a business, tax season never really ends, does it? IDEA member Tom Holland, MS, owner of TeamHolland: A Fitness Company, found that out a couple
of years ago when his tax return was randomly selected
by the IRS for an audit. Gulp!
Holland recounts the story in detail in the April 2003 issue
of IDEA Personal Trainer (pp. 19–23), but here are a few tips from his experience that can help you get organized and keep dependable records.

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Website Templates

While the first “prefab” websites had all the design panache of a Ford Edsel, today’s offerings can literally give your Web presence the look and feel of a Fortune 500 firm for under $100. The days when top Web designers wouldn’t return your calls for less than $10,000 are long gone—it’s a buyer’s market for…

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Bartering Personal Training Services

If your goal is to increase your personal training profits, one way to succeed is by reducing your expenses. You can save money through bartering—the cashless trading of goods and services that is the most ancient form of business commerce. Bartering is an excellent opportunity for personal training businesses. Why? The beauty of our industry…

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Business Space

In our last column we explored different ways to finance your new business venture. This column will examine the steps needed to find the best location for your start-up business and discuss how to secure a lease.

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When Personal Trainers Leave

When personal trainers leave your organization, clients may also leave. Owing to the relationships fostered during one- on-one training, it is not uncommon for clients to feel compelled to continue training with the same personal trainers, regardless of where the trainers work. Unfortunately, all client departures hurt organizations financially. Lost clients mean lost revenues. From…

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Extreme Attitude Makeover

In our last two columns, we discussed
the importance of molding your personal vision and purpose into a mission that
reflects your values. This revamping of who you are and where you want to go in life and business can be reinvigorating. However, one of the most critical elements to leading a successful life lies in having a positive attitude.

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What’s on the Web?

As a way to provide IDEA members with a more up-to-date listing of classified ads and events,
we have moved these sections to the IDEA website.

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Two New Additions to IDEA’s Resource Series Library

This home study course outlines various considerations specific to training women through several life stages. The course reviews programming suggestions and current scientific information for working with a variety of women, including those who are pregnant, postnatal and menopausal. This course also discusses psychosocial issues that affect women, such as body image, eating disorders, weight management and size acceptance. Research-based information focuses on exercise as it relates to fat metabolism, breastfeeding and nutrition.

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Cardiorespiratory Fitness Testing, Part II

The first part of this two-part series covered the what, when, where and why of cardiorespiratory fitness testing (September 2004 IDEA Fit-ness Journal, pp. 42–3). Now that you have a little better understanding of the process of choosing an appropriate modality and protocol for testing clients, let’s look more closely at the modalities and protocols available. The most important aspect of the decision process is keeping in mind the client’s health and physical activity history. The bottom line is to match the protocol and the purpose of the test to the specific client.

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Volunteering: The Inner Light

If you had ever told me that I would look forward to cleaning dog kennels on my days off, I would have thought you were one sick puppy. Yet that’s exactly what I rush off to do every Thursday afternoon when I volunteer at our local humane society. In fact, I consider my role as a bone-a fide animal groomer/walker/
pooper-picker-upper to be one of the most rewarding “jobs” of my career.

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Active Empowerment

The 92nd Street Y in New York City offers Spiral Gymnoyoga to its members. The class uses “spiraling circular exercises and deep breathing massage” to warm the muscles and prepare joints for movement. Instructor Peter Knue combines elements of Nadha yoga, dance and the meditative martial arts in an offering for all ages.

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Trail Running

There has been a surge in the popularity of fitness running. It seems that nearly every major city in the world hosts not only its own marathon but also related events, spanning 1K kids’ fun runs to 10Ks and half marathons. In addition, attendance at road races (especially for first timers) and at running clinics is increasing. While many of these clinics do a very good job of training and motivating participants to “go the distance,” very few of them truly address running-specific strength training.

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No Equipment Required

The popularity of core training has led to the misconception that to get results you need to use equipment. This simply isn’t true. And it’s a good thing too, because group fitness instructors don’t always have a lot of equipment to work with. In fact, there are a number of moves…

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Skinny Dip: Cantaloupe Chutney

Serve this tasty chutney
as a dip or as a topping for
whole grains, steamed veggies,
chicken, fish or tofu.
4 cups diced cantaloupe
(about 1 melon)
1⁄3 cup golden raisins
1⁄3 cup minced red onion
1⁄4 cup sugar
1⁄4 cup water
3 tablespoons white-wine vinegar
1 teaspoon ground cumin

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