Using Self-Massage Tools at Home
Have you tried self-massage tools? Here, Paul Kleiman, president of MassageU and U-Selfcare.com, explains various kinds of tools.
Upgraded Movement Preparation
The warmup is an obvious time to prepare muscles and educate people about their bodies. Why not use this time for movement preparation?
The Dirty Little Secret in Fitness: Sue’s Story
Aches, pains, strains and stiffness can creep in, seemingly out of nowhere. For some of us, the pain affects the quality of our daily lives, and pinpointing the cause can seem like a wild goose chase. This was the case for the creator of the MELT Method, Sue Hitzmann. Developing MELT’s innovative approach to self-care—after an extensive dive down the rabbit hole of neurofascial research—was her ticket out of pain and many symptoms of aging. Two decades later, thousands of people have joined her on that journey.
The Top 10 Corrective Exercises
How does corrective exercise programming fit into your business? Clients who are self-motivated to work hard are already star pupils. But what do you do when a client, because of injury, overuse patterns or some other type of dysfunction, can’t quite make it out of the gate? Many people want and need help with reducing pain in addition to meeting functional fitness goals. One goal dovetails into the other.
2 Great Exercises for an Ageless, Pain-Free Body
Whether. you’re training an athlete or an ageless warrior, keeping the feet and back healthy leads to better performance and longevity.