Licensed Popular Music by Original Artists!
Browse thousands of original artist songs - new, current and old school - by genre, and quickly create a custom, non-stop mix at the tempo of your choice. No other music app offers this!
Access to 50% off Vibes music licensing is benefit of being an IDEA member. Use code "IDEA50" at checkout.
Yep-It's True! Real Music by Real Artists
- Music by real artists
- Thousands of original artist songs
- New current and old school
- Search by genre
- Create custom non-stop mixes & playlists
- Tempo control to find the right BPM for the class
- 100’s of premixes, curated by experts and ready for action
- Offline and Online playing capabilities
- One login - play on 2 different devises at the same time
Use code "IDEA50" at checkout
Mix. Match. Create. Vibe!!!
Browse thousands of songs and create a custom nonstop mix. Want to switch song 5 with song 8?
Just move it after it’s mixed and the songs will play back seamlessly.
Use code "IDEA50" at checkout
Tempo Control at your Fingertips.
Find the right BPM with our tempo adjustment
tool. Create the right feel for the right class.
Use code "IDEA50" at checkout
Why make the switch?
Sign up now!
Browse thousands of original artist songs - new, current and old school - by genre, and quickly create a custom, non-stop mix at the tempo of your choice. No other music app offers this!
Use code "IDEA50" at checkout
Frequently asked questions
Yes, one of many IDEA membership benefits is access to the program at a 50% discount for the annual license.