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Man with lean body mass
Keep the Lean Body Mass

Researchers found that higher volumes of resistance training with lower loads were better for female athletes for preserving lean body mass.

Trainer teaching strength training for youth
Strength Training for Youth

If you train kids, are you including youth strength training? Researchers share evidence-based benefits of training as early as age 5–7.

Exercise upgrades immunity?
Immunity: A Trend Worth Supporting

While it may not be getting the same COVID-19 notoriety as the word “pivot,” “immunity” has a spine—and it’s much more than just a keyword.

An older woman power training for muscle strength
Power Training for Older Clients

Power training for your active agers can be a vital part of programming. By helping your clients maintain speed, you will do them the service of training them for the sport of life.

Arthritis and Exercise

Arthritis is a major health concern. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 23% of all adults in the U.S., more than 54 million people, have arthritis. As a fitness professional, you can make a difference. Both the CDC and the Arthritis Foundation (arthritis.org) agree that exercise is an important tool in arthritis pain management and prevention.

Person who needs better posture
Posture Correction for Static Damage

The word posture tends to evoke the image of a schoolgirl standing perfectly erect with a book on her head. More accurately, static posture refers to the way in which a person holds his or her body or assumes certain positions, such as sitting, standing or sleeping. The cumulative effect of the time spent in certain positions can lead to prolonged static-posture damage to both the musculoskeletal and myofascial systems of the body.

Man practicing periodization training
Types of Periodization Training

Researchers have focused on three types of periodization training: linear periodization, block periodization and undulating periodization.

Training coaching corrective exercises.
The Top 10 Corrective Exercises

How does corrective exercise programming fit into your business? Clients who are self-motivated to work hard are already star pupils. But what do you do when a client, because of injury, overuse patterns or some other type of dysfunction, can’t quite make it out of the gate? Many people want and need help with reducing pain in addition to meeting functional fitness goals. One goal dovetails into the other.

Man with Shoulder pain
Frozen Shoulder? Identify Dysfunction

Our clients work hard to develop shoulders that are aesthetically pleasing, and learning how to spot shoulder impingement and other dysfunction is an integral part of the big somatic “picture.”

Seniors trained for travel.
Fit to Travel: Exercises for Seniors

Programming exercises for seniors is more important than ever, especially now that travel is opening up again, but your clients may not have kept up with their workouts over this last year. Here are some great ways to prepare your active agers for more adventure.