Archive for January 2003
Evaluating the Sit-Up
Methods of strengthening the abdominal muscles have interested both the general public and the fitness industry for years. This interest stems from the desire to have a flat abdomen and from the abdominal muscles’ assumed ability to protect and support the spine. Over the years, abdominal fitness has progressed from the sit-up to the crunch to the pelvic tilt and now to the straight-legged sit-up (roll-up). Unfortunately, many programs developed to strengthen abdominal muscles have contributed to abdominal muscle imbalances and pain syndromes (Sahrmann 2002).
Read MoreBecome a Master Motivator
Pack Kids’ Lunches Full of Nutrients
As more and more schools offer hot dogs, pizza and nachos for lunch, conscientious parents are seeking more nutritious alternatives for their kids. Packing healthy lunches can be the solution, but the task has to be quick and easy for time-crunched adults. Furthermore, the meals must be kid-friendly. If your clients include concerned parents, overweight children or both, pass along these tips from registered dietitian Nancy Teas of San Diego.
Read MoreBattling Burnout
Q:A:Burnout: Old topic for many instructors, but new to me! What can I do to overcome the burned-out feeling I’ve had lately when teaching? I can’t afford to take a break from instructing fitness classes. Plus, my club is facing a real instructor shortage right now. So, what else can I do to get out of my blah rut and be excited again about my classes?
Read MoreDealing With Difficult Participants
True story: One August morning I was getting ready to teach my first 6:00 am yoga class in a trendy Boston health club. The room was packed with a gaggle of lawyers, agents and power brokers anxious to breathe, stretch and sweat before heading off to their corner offices downtown. Halfway into class, as I…
Read MoreCelebrating Indoor Cycling: Rides, Races, Drills & Skills
Indoor cycling is not only hotter than ever; it has become a group exercise staple. If you are looking for new indoor cycling drills, games and tips to use in your classes immediately, look no further. We have gone to some of the top presenters from the 2002 World Fitness IDEA® convention to pull together…
Read MoreNutrition Advice Now Available Anywhere
There is a new weapon in the war against obesity. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has made its National Nutrient Database free for download onto handheld personal digital assistants (PDAs). “Easy access to nutrient information on thousands of foods provides a new tool to help consumers follow a healthy diet,” said Secretary of Agriculture…
Read MoreSuccessful Networking for Personal Trainers
Dietary Protein and Weight Loss
When it comes to weight loss these days, protein is the big nutrition buzzword. You’ve probably been asked about at least one of the several high-protein/low-carbohydrate (HPLC) diets in the last 2 years. The hype over them grows whenever someone announces that his weight loss was due to his eating whatever he wanted as long…
Read MoreBoosting Your Immune System
Do you always feel as if you have just recovered from one cold when another comes along? Luckily, according to Jenna Bell-Wilson, MS, RD, LD, media representative for the New Mexico Dietetic Association and doctoral student in exercise physiology at the University of New Mexico, eating foods rich in four special nutrients can enhance your immune system:
Read MoreBoning Up on Calcium
ou’ve probably heard that 1 in every 2 women and 1 in 8 men will suffer from a bad bone fracture caused by osteoporosis. What can you do, diet wise, to help your bones stay healthy? Here’s the lowdownfrom Liz Applegate, PhD, a nationally known expert on nutritionand fitness, who is a faculty member of the nutrition departmentat the University of California at Davis, and author of Encyclopedia of Sports and Fitness Nutrition (Prima Publishing, December 2002).
Read MoreCelebrating Indoor Cycling: Rides, Races, Drills & Sets
Celebrating Indoor Cycling:
Rides, Races, Drills & Skills
By Krista Popowych, BHK
ndoor cycling is not only hotter than ever; it has become a group exercise staple. If you are looking for new cycling games, drills and tips to use in your classes immediately, look no further. We have gone to some of the top presenters from the 2002 World Fitness IDEA…
Read MoreWorking in Medical Spas
Baby boomers are the first generation to express en masse an aversion to the concept of physical aging—and to become a driving financial force in the quest to defy the inevitability of growing older. They’ll mature without kicking and screaming, but they won’t watch their faces fall, their hair go gray or their abdomens expand. These beliefs are catapulting the antiaging industry into a massive marketing force in America.
Read MoreIncreasing Our Knowledge of Healthy Eating
The quantity of media reports on nutrition and weight management seems only to increase every year. Research in nutrition, as in most sciences, is leaping at such a rate that while the body of knowledge is expanding, the interrelations being uncovered are not always fully understood.
Read MoreFunctional Foods for Heart Health
The statistics about heart disease are not very heartening: Since 1918, cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been the leading cause of mortality in the United States every single year (Hasler, Kundrat & Wool 2000). According to the American Heart Association (AHA), CVD claims the lives of nearly half of the 2.4 million Americans who die each year—almost as many lives as the next seven leading causes of death combined (AHA 2002).
Read MoreRisky Dietary Supplements
Millions of people rely on dietary supplements for everything from enhancing their sex lives to improving their athletic performances. There is essentially no systematic regulation of the dietary supplement industry, so there is no guarantee that a given supplement will live up to its claims. More important, there is no guarantee that any supplement is safe. At the Gatorade Sports Science Institute, we asked a panel of experts to discuss the relative safety of dietary supplements.
Read MoreTargeting the Teen Market
Most industries nowadays recognize the incredible buying power of teenagers and go out of their way to appeal to this demographic. Not so the fitness industry, which in the past has ignored this age group. Yet many feel that this is the very market that clubs should be trying to attract in order to instill a lifelong commitment to exercise and healthy eating. Now, more and more cutting-edge clubs are targeting teenagers with innovative fitness classes and healthy-lifestyle programming.
Read MoreStrategic Communication
As a personal trainer you take pride in your ability to motivate and inspire your clients to new levels of fitness, strength and self-esteem. Have you ever considered exactly how you do this? Is it your choice of words? Your tone of voice? Is it your timing (cadence of delivery)? Have you noticed that a key phrase works for one client, but not another? Or it works the first few times, then sounds trite or overused?
Read MoreCurrent Issues in Nutrition Research
As in years past, the American Dietetic Association (ADA) Conference, held October 19 through 22, 2002, provided attendees plenty of food for thought. The following session topics were among those of most interest to health and fitness professionals.
Read MoreAnkle Flexion and Extension
By Susan L. Hitzmann, MS
Ankle Flexion and Extension
The lower leg and its functions and role in stabilization.
ecause the ground constantly has variables, human feet need to adapt to their interface with it immediately on contact. In normal function and anatomical position, the ankle joint has flexion (dorsiflexion) and extension (plantar flexion). All other movements in the a…
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