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Is Fitness Technology Your Fiercest Competitor?

If you’ve used the Nike+ Running App, you’ve likely heard the voice of five-time Olympic medal–winning sprinter Sanya Richards-Ross congratulating you for completing a run. Browse the health app section on your smartphone or slap on a wearable device, and you’ll observe the endless opportunities for tracking fitness data and even getting workout inspiration.

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Use These Three Systems to Foster Impeccable Client Adherence

It can be a challenge to make sure all of your clients arrive for sessions consistently—and on time. Inevitably in your career, you will deal with clients who frequently reschedule, show up late or don’t show at all.
Many trainers I know are quick to point the finger at disobedient clients and blame transgressions on clients’ lack of motivation.

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Pivot Your Business to Success

In my last column, I wrote about how perfectionism can spell d-o-o-m to a business. One reason for this is that having an inflexible business mind means you’re not willing to really do what it takes to succeed.

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Horseradish Stands up to Cancer

Long a staple sidekick for prime rib and in shrimp cocktail sauce, the humble horseradish root has come a long way. One of the stronger players in the mustard family (next to gentler cousins of the cruciferous strain such as kale, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and radishes), this plant could also have cancer-fighting powers, recent research suggests.

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Hello, Is It Turmeric You’re Googling For?

Chances are, search engines know exactly what you’re searching out in your web wanderings.
Americans are endlessly curious, especially about food, nutrition and the trends that cover both. So shows data that Google collects about our top searches. The Google Food Trends 2016 U.S. Report reveals that in terms of food searches between January 2014 and February 2016, we most often browsed for information about functional foods, exotic flavors and custom-tailored snacks.

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Ask the RD

Question: Are purple and red carrots, purple cauliflower and other colorful varieties of vegetables nutritionally the same as the regular vegetables?
Answer: I was recently served a salad of thinly shaved ribbons of purple, red, orange and yellow carrots. It was beautiful, unique and delicious. I’m glad to see these colorful vegetables become more widely available, because it makes cooking and eating that much more interesting. Nutritionally, colorful varieties are both similar and different to the more usual options.

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Question of the Month

A recent poll conducted by Truven Health Analytics™ and reported by NPR shows that the math in the obesity equation is not adding up—or at least Americans’ perception of some factors within the formula are off. More than one-third of American adults are overweight or obese, yet according to the data collected in this poll of 3,000, nearly 75% of those surveyed ranked their eating habits as good (33.5%), very good (28.2%) or excellent (13.2%).

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Healthy Kitchen Hacks for the Home Cook

This month’s hack is served up by Elizabeth Falkner, a James Beard Foundation Award nominee who was named Pastry Chef of the Year by Bon Appétit magazine. She’s also been a three-time competitor on Food Network Challenge and a contestant on Bravo’s Top Chef Masters.
Get Inspired

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Healthier Eating May Be Just a Click Away

We can dial for takeout. We can go to a fast-food drive-through, a fine-dining restaurant or a food truck. And now, we can click, click, click and send our grocery order for same-day doorstep delivery by Uber, Lyft, Amazon and others. Choices abound for ways to procure our food.

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Optimizing Visualization for Mental Toughness

All of us instinctively use visualization (aka imagery) to help us perform better. Have you ever paid close attention to an expert’s technique and then tried to replicate it in your mind? Have you mentally practiced your own performance before physically executing it? What about imagining how wonderful it will be to fully recover from an injury? Perhaps you’ve mentally rehearsed the exhilaration you’ll feel once you’ve completed an event you’ve been training for?

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Raising Rates: Negotiating Deals

What would you do with an extra $6,000 a year in earnings? Pay off debt? Go on vacation? Save for a down payment on a home? Raising your session rates by $3 can make this additional money a reality, whether you charge $10 an hour or $125 an hour.

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Be the Best Mentor an Intern Could Want

Internships are a fact of life in the fitness industry. All major degree programs related to fitness or exercise science require that students complete an internship prior to earning a degree. Colleges and universities want their students to have real-life work experience when they graduate. Internships help students discover their likes and dislikes; the work also helps them to form professional relationships and to differentiate themselves from the hundreds of other recent graduates vying for the same jobs.

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Partner Workout: Cardio & Plyo

If you’re looking for a new way to add interest to your cardio classes, double the fun with partner drills. In this intense interval workout, drills consist of a 1-minute work effort, a 30-second recovery, and then a second 1-minute work effort. However, there’s a twist: The recovery isn’t a true recovery. Instead, you use the 30 seconds to do a quick series of “sculpting” moves designed to bring down the intensity while strengthening the body.

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