Archive for December 2009
Kravitz: Top 10 Flexibility FAQs
A primary function of muscles is to create tension and produce force for movement of the body’s skeletal system. The intrinsic capacity of muscles to go through a full or optimal range of motion is called flexibility. It is developed through the use of various streching procedures.
Read MoreCore Strength: BOSU® Balance Trainer, Stability Ball
Training the core requires an exercise regime that goes beyond a simple “abs and back” workout. A strong base of support at the core of the body allows for better transfer of forces to the extremities. The human kinetic chain is able to transfer load optimally because of the relationships of two functionally integrated musculoskeletal groups known as the inner unit and outer unit. The inner core muscles assist in stabilizing the spine and pelvis, whereas the outer core muscles are the movers of the spine.
Read MoreMetabolic Conditioning Games for Clients
If you are like most personal trainers, you enjoy working out in the gym, but your clients may not always share your enthusiasm. Clients can get bored or complacent during traditional strength and conditioning programs that focus on sets, reps and steady-state activity.
Read MoreMorning Core Routine
Creative Total Body Exercise
The Empowerment Series: Courage
The benefits of yoga go beyond more flexible hamstrings, a stronger core or less back pain. Yoga has the power to make your more resilient to stress. It reminds you of your inner strength. It can give you back a sense of joy and purpose.
Read MoreThe Empowerment Series: Courage
The benefits of yoga go beyond more flexible hamstrings, a stronger core or less back pain. Yoga has the power to make your more resilient to stress. It reminds you of your inner strength. It can give you back a sense of joy and purpose.
Read MoreMindful Eating Staves off Obesity
Regular yoga practice is associated with mindful eating, and people who eat mindfully are less likely to be obese, according to a study led by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
Read MoreLaughter Remains Good Medicine
The connection between the body, mind and spirit has been the subject of conventional scientific inquiry for some 20 years. The notion that psychosocial and societal considerations have a role in maintaining health and preventing disease became crystallized as a result of the experiences of a layman, Norman Cousins.
Read MoreTai Chi Can Help Lower Glucose Levels
A regular tai chi exercise program can help people better control their diabetes and lower glucose levels, according to a University of Florida study.
Read MorePilates for All Abilities: Working with a Prosthesis
Heidi was physically active as a dancer during high school. But by age 24 the rigors of graduate school and the loss of her left foot in a motorcycle accident propelled her into a sedentary lifestyle.
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