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We’ve curated all the fitness headlines just for you! Want the latest news? Check out Headlines for the newest info.
Athletes and Irrational Beliefs
Many competitive athletes hold irrational beliefs and self-judgmental thoughts that lower self-confidence and increase competitive anxiety.
Jump Roping for Runners
Attention avid runners who are game for something different: Consider adding jump roping to your weekly routine!
Grit in Sports Training
Sports participation is linked with developing life skills that may improve success and build resilience, known as “grit” in sports training.
Seasonal Time Changes and Performance
Research provides insight into a potential adverse effect on running performance due to the “spring forward” time changes.
Gut Microbiome and Athletic Performance
Researchers conducted a study to tease out the relationship between a healthy gut microbiome, athletic performance and mental motivation.
Pilates Training Is a Game-Changer
Strong evidence shows that Pilates training is an effective conditioning method for healthy individuals, particularly those wanting to increase core stability. Furthermore, Pilates can be a game-changer for athletes. Benefits…
Women’s Sports Injuries
To address the gender gap in sports rehab, researchers created an overview of common women’s sports injuries and guidelines for rehab.
What Is Game Intelligence?
Psychological attributes and “game intelligence” are the most important factors if an athlete wants to excel.
Competitive Sports Performance With an Audience
Men run slower and women run faster in competitive sports without an audience, according to research in Psychology of Sport and Exercise.
The Best Youth Soccer Warmup
When determining what kind of warmup is best for the youth soccer teams you coach, take a cue from recent research.
Able to Be Fit With Special Olympics Athletes
We’re proud to share the story of how In-Shape Health Clubs reached clients who are Special Olympics Athletes.
The Value of Athlete Well-Being
Athletes aren’t only focused on sports. Today’s international athletes see the value in athlete well-being as well as optimal performance.
Female Athletes, Hormones and Training Adaptations
Scientists observed a different response pattern among female athletes who are naturally cycling and those on contraceptives.
Health Education for Former Elite Athletes
Providing health education about the benefits of exercise, good eating habits and other “well-living” parameters can help former athletes.
Sports and Mental Health Challenges
A statement issued by the American College of Sports Medicine notes key challenges related to sports and mental health.
Golf Training and Performance Enhancement
Outdoor golf seems to be gaining popularity, a profit center option for personal trainers who want to offer golf training to attract clients.
Atrial Fibrillation in Athletes
For athletes, the risk of experiencing irregular heart rhythms, known as atrial fibrillation, is 2.5 times higher than it is for nonathletes.
Iron Levels for Athletic Performance
Endurance athletes with naturally higher iron levels may enjoy a competitive advantage because of the boost to their oxygen capacity.
Music for Running Performance
On days when mental energy is low, the benefits of music for running can help by lifting performance back to normal levels.
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