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Beyond Cuing

Why is it that while some participants love your class, others walk out in
the first 15 minutes and never return? Is it your music? Your clothes? Your hygiene? Of course not. Odds are you simply didn’t cue these people in the mode in which they learn most quickly and easily. While you can’t please everyone, you can please most of the people most of the time when you recognize the three primary learning styles and know how to integrate them into your cuing.

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Celebrating Stillness

Rush, rush, rush. Is your life so busy that sometimes you get lost in all the chaos? Give yourself the gift of still moments so you can better enjoy the rest of your life. Here are 10 simple ways to be still from Richard Mahler’s bookStillness: Daily Gifts of Solitude.

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Revising Dietary Guidelines, Food Pyramid

You may have found that the Food Guide Pyramid serves as a handy tool to explain the basics of healthy eating to your clients. But note that the times are “a’changin’” and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is going along with the times by revamping the guidelines on which the pyramid is based, to make sure they reflect the latest scientific and medical knowledge. Currently in the revision process, the new guidelines are slated to be published in winter 2005.

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Created Equally? Not Creatine Products

Are any of your clients interested in supplementing with creatine? Then they should know about the new testing done by ConsumerLab.com, an independent evaluator of products that affect health and nutrition. The tests found problems with the majority of creatine products sold in liquid, effervescent and chewable forms. No problems were found in the standard powder products.

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ACSM Defines Two New Allied Health Professions

Although many personal trainers are well educated and provide clients with safe, effective training, the same cannot be said for all trainers. You may even work with some clients who are “recovering” from sessions with an incompetent or unsafe trainer.

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U.S. Government Grants Quench Thirsty Health and Fitness Programs

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Confronting a Time Stealer

Q:The teacher before me is running late again. Our back-to-back classes have only 10 minutes between them, and now my class will start late. What should I do? Barge in? Wait? My class participants expect me to do something. I need advice for handling this problem immediately, when the director isn’t around.

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IDEA Code of Ethics: Group Fitness Instructors

As a member of IDEA Health & Fitness Association, I will be guided by the best interests of the client and will practice within the scope of my education and knowledge. I will maintain the education and experience necessary to appropriately teach classes; will behave in a positive and constructive manner; and will use truth, fairness and integrity to guide all my professional decisions and relationships.

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Evaluation Strategies

That dreaded time of year has come again. You have to justify exactly why your boss should open up her tightly wrapped wallet to increase your pay. Some employees see this as an anxiety-filled experience, while others view it as an opportunity to showcase their talent and worth.

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Avoiding Erectile Dysfunction With Exercise

Erectile dysfunction is a problem many men face as they get older. To determine how lifestyle choices correlate with sexual functioning, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston mailed a questionnaire to a cross section of 31,742 men aged 53 to 90 years. The men were asked about their sexual function, physical…

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What Businesses Are Doing to Fight Obesity

Saddled with a growing number of at-risk employees who are overweight or obese, more companies are recognizing the importance of preventive health measures. Toward that end, many businesses are now offering their workers weight loss and fitness programs to keep health insurance costs down.

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Antiaging Rx

Take one dose of vitamin E daily and exercise regularly. That’s the prescription for staying young and healthy, according to a new study that appeared in the July issue of Biological Research for Nursing.

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Optimal Eating

A registered dietitian is your best friend when it comes to suggesting dietary changes to your clients, but you can help them stay nourished around their sessions. Clients’ nutrition goals are as varied as their exercise programs. The chart on page 59 offers ideas that will produce optimal effects before, during and after your clients’…

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The Body Image We See and Feel

When was the last time you heard a toddler say she couldn’t come out to play because she was having a bad hair day? How many young kids do you know who’ll refuse an ice-cream cone because they want to squeeze into their “skinny jeans”?

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Circuit Classes Come Full Circle

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Sports Nutrition

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