Best Practices
Mentorship in Action: Introducing IDEA’s Fitness Mentor Network
The fitness industry is ever-evolving, presenting new challenges and opportunities for growth. Professionals in this field must stay ahead by continuously learning and adapting to changes in training techniques, coaching…
Successful Subbing for Fitness Classes
What are your best tips for subbing? Instructors share their pro tips for finding class subs and subbing for others.
Group Exercise Cues for Success
Best practices for efficient group exercise cues
Lessons From Kenyan Runners
To get faster and chase their dreams, Kenyan runners have specific training habits which can benefit your fitness business and career.
How to Be a Better Adult Learner
Overcoming the discomfort of something new as an adult learner will make you a more competent instructor and advance your career.
The Major Roles of the Modern Group Fitness Manager
A look at the key reasons that motivate facilities to offer classes without a group fitness manage, and why this ends up costing more.
Evolution in Pandemic Teaching
Fit pros share how pandemic teaching changed their approach through embracing virtual classes and learning new skills.
A Time of Renewal
Many of us in the industry have been feeling lost in the weeds after 2 years of constant turmoil. In this time of renewal, as you work to dig yourself out and sow new seeds of success, it’s important to use all the tools at your disposal so you can grow and flourish.
Overpronation in Fitness Classes
Overpronation is a fairly common problem among many fitness enthusiasts, including the ones who take your classes.
Creating a Fitness Class Family
As group exercise instructors, we can get wrapped up in creating
choreography, choosing music, cuing effectively and teaching proper
technique. While all these aspects are important, we sometimes lose
sight of the overall picture and miss the opportunity to connect with
Fitness Classes for Everyone
Fitness classes abound and it has never been easier for movement-hungry people to find a workout experience that appeals to them.
Hiring Checklist: Find the Best Talent
There’s a checklist for every task, it seems, even if it’s purely mental. However, when it comes to hiring the best group fitness talent, it’s important to formalize a checklist…
Fitness Business Collaboration Beyond Brand
Could we all learn to embrace fitness business collaboration to improve the quality of knowledge and programming for everyone?
Group Fitness Instructor Tips
Group fitness instructors: If fitness is your career and not just a hobby, you should treat the hiring process the same way you would if you were applying for a full-time job
How To Create a Workout Community
As we return to the group exercise studio, it’s good to remember how a workout community not only brings us together, but helps us thrive.
How to Name Your Group Fitness Class
A group fitness class title is a calling card; it attracts participants by previewing or hinting at the class experience.
Ramping Up Your Virtual Zoom Studio
It was early March 2020 when Seattle, where I live, shut down very quickly due to the COVID-19 outbreak. We immediately knew we’d have to move into the virtual world within a matter of days.
For my first class, I didn’t know what microphone I should use, and I barely knew how to share music, but I flipped on the camera.
Prevent Injuries for Longevity and Fun
Like many instructors, you may feel as though you’re expected to do it all and be all things to all people. However, you also need to ensure that you are sustaining your own physical and mental health. How do you keep your standards high and your teaching schedule full while also remaining healthy and injury-free? Read on to find out how three avid veteran instructors achieve balance. Their experiences and advice model best self-care practices for a long and successful career.
Increasing Employee Diversity and Inclusion
As the health and fitness industry continues to evolve and grow, staff diversity and inclusion efforts are becoming increasingly important. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission mandates that job applicants and employees cannot be discriminated against “because of their race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity and sexual orientation), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information” (EEOC n.d.). However, making a conscious effort to diversify goes above and beyond following the law.
Discover what diversity means and what you should consider as you put together a diverse staff.
Three Ways to Keep Your Clients
You know the work it takes to get a new customer in the door. You’re spending money on marketing, time making sure your website listings are right, and energy on promotions and intro offers to get the word out. It’s not easy. But remember—it costs less to keep an existing client than it does to acquire a new one. Getting them to return again and again will help you keep your lights on and your business bustling! With that in mind, let’s look at three actions you can take to retain your clients.