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Weekend Warriors Reap Benefits

New research shows benefits of one or two days a week of concentrated physical activity. Weekend warriors rejoice.  Formerly, experts viewed weekend only training as less valuable than consistent exercise…

How Exercise Reduces Depression

Physical activity, particularly aerobic exercise, is known to reduce depressive symptoms, but how is not understood. Researchers from University College London reviewed multiple studies on depression, exercise, motivation, dopamine transmission,…

Exercise and Diet Can Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

More good news promotes the value of exercise. A recent 3-year-long study by University of Eastern Finland researchers focused specifically on men with a high genetic risk of type 2…

Timing of Exercise
Does Timing of Exercise Matter?

Analysis of data found that any timing of exercise, moderate to vigorous, is linked with lower risks of all causes of death.

Time-Restricted Eating and HIIT
Time-Restricted Eating and HIIT

A study finds that combining time-restricted eating and HIIT is more effective at improving cardiometabolic health than either approach alone.

Older woman doing exercise for osteoporosis
Exercise for Osteoporosis

Exercise improves bone mineral density for people with osteoporosis, but questions remain regarding safety and effectiveness.

Older woman with dumbbells using muscle strengthening for longevity
Muscle Strengthening for Longevity

Research shows some benefits of using muscle strengthening for longevity, as strengthening activities are linked with a lower risk of death.

Woman using benefits of standing at work
Health Benefits of Standing

Researchers have recently explored the benefits of standing and regularly getting up and sitting down during the day.