Archive for February 2020
Dominant Leg May Have More Endurance
New research shows that single-leg cycling drills may be a valuable way to address dominant/nondominant leg differences. University of Calgary researchers in Canada investigated aerobic performance in relation to leg dominance.
Read MorePreventing Hamstring Injuries
Hamstring injuries are frequent and costly for professional soccer players and important for all active people to avoid. Medical professionals with the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) developed an injury prevention program that blends evidence-based methods and practical considerations. It emphasizes the need for individualized training that targets an athlete’s specific risk factors, based on ongoing screening and monitoring.
Read MoreDocs Need a Prescription for Nutrition 101
Although diet can be a factor in many chronic health conditions, surprisingly, U.S.-trained doctors receive little or no formal training in nutrition. (Estimates are that, on average, students in medical schools spend less than 1% of lecture time learning about diet.) Staff and students at the Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic would like to see that knowledge gap rectified.
Read MoreSleep Well, Eat Well
Poor sleep has been linked to unhealthy eating habits and weight gain. Now a team of American researchers believes it knows why people may gravitate toward calorie-dense junk food when sleep deprived: Blame it on the nose.
Read MoreFor Would-Be Soldiers, Healthier Diets Pay Off
Active-duty males involved in the U.S. Army Special Forces Assessment and Selection course who had higher Healthy Eating Index (HEI) scores—used to assess compliance with the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans—performed better on the demanding Army Physical Fitness Test and were up to 75% more likely to be selected for the elite unit than those with the lowest diet-quality scores, according to a study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
Read MoreHealthy Food, Healthy Planet
In an analysis of 19 previous investigations involving millions of people, researchers at the University of Minnesota and Oxford University examined the human-health and environmental impacts of 15 different food groups, including legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, red meat, dairy, eggs, fish and sugar-sweetened beverages. The foods were compared with one another based on how they influence the risk of disease and the toll they take on the planet in terms of water and land use, water and soil pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions.
Read MorePlant-Based Foods Curb Chronic Disease
Here’s another good reason to embrace the trend of eating more plants: A cohort study in Nature Communications involving 56,048 adults in Denmark found that people who over a 23-year period habitually consumed moderate to high amounts of foods rich in flavonoids—naturally occurring chemical compounds found predominantly in plant-based foods—were less likely to die from cancer or heart disease.
Read MoreThe Need for Securing Better Nutrition
In a nation where food seems abundant, some may be surprised to hear that about 11% of all U.S. households suffer from food insecurity, defined as a lack of access to enough food for all household members to have healthy lives.
Read MoreAnother Strike Against Liquid Sugar
A 2019 study published in Diabetes Care found that increasing total consumption of sugary beverages, which included 100% fruit juice, by more than 0.5 servings/day (about 4 ounces) over 4 years was linked to a 16% higher risk for type 2 diabetes, compared with maintaining steady intake. This was after adjusting for variables such as body mass index, other dietary changes and lifestyle habits.
Read MoreMarch 2020 Question of the Month: Is Red Meat No Longer the Enemy?
For years, nutrition and health experts have been telling us to cut back on our intake of red meat. Now, a controversial new analysis says this advice was largely unwarranted.
Read MoreFood Trends for a New Decade
Amazon-owned Whole Foods has made some predictions on which foods and products will be trending in 2020. Based on input from dozens of in-the-know store employees, here’s what the company sees in the modern shopping cart.
Read MoreThe Vegetable Sales Pitch
While many public health campaigns have tried to persuade Americans to eat more veggies by emphasizing their nutritional benefits, few have succeeded in getting people to put more broccoli on their plates. Now, a study in Psychological Science suggests that food labels emphasizing tastiness and an expectation of a positive eating experience may make healthy foods more tempting.
Read MoreWeighing In on the Keto Diet
While extremely low-carbohydrate diets like fat-forward keto can aid in short-term weight loss, they have mixed effects on other health markers, according to a scientific statement issued by the National Lipid Association and published in the Journal of Clinical Lipidology.
Read MoreWhy Dentists Don’t Approve of Energy Foods
Sports drinks, energy gels and bars can help athletes keep up the pace, but frequent use may land them in the dental chair. According to a study published in the British Dental Journal, regular consumption of these products is likely a major reason why professional athletes have higher rates of tooth decay than the general public, despite eating a healthy diet overall and practicing good oral hygiene, like twice-daily brushing. The sugar content and acidity of energy products can expedite gum inflammation and tooth decay, leading to poor oral health.
Read MoreAthletes Have an Appetite for Social Media
Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook continue to open up new opportunities for athletes to learn about nutrition. Based on a questionnaire administered to 306 athletes, a report in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism found that 65% of study participants reported using social media to glean nutrition information over the previous 12 months.
Read MoreRecipe for Health: Masala Chickpea Stir-Fry
Beyond being uncomfortable, frequent constipation can raise the risk for conditions like hemorrhoids and rectal tears. Plus, the stool is a way to remove toxins from the body. That makes fiber-packed dishes like this quick plant-based stir-fry a great way to keep you more regular.
Read MoreTop Fitness Trend in China and South America
The number-one fitness trend identified in both China and South America is the inclusion of exercise in dietary weight-loss programs, according to ACSM’s
2020 Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends. This could be the fitness industry responding to rising rates of overweight and obesity. In North America, exercise for weight loss has declined as a trend, superseded by health and wellness coaching.
Average BMI of Americans Is Increasing
Fitness professionals have an opportunity to help more Americans who are trying to improve their health. The population’s average body mass index is increasing, even as more Americans are trying to lose weight, according to findings published in JAMA Network Open.
Read MoreImpact of Training Through Pain
If your clients need more evidence that training while injured can be detrimental, new research suggests that the adverse effects on movement quality can linger even after an injury has fully healed.
Read MoreMore Benefits for Fit Kids
Heart health is not simply about having a strong heart muscle; a healthy cardiovascular system requires a healthy nervous system that regulates the heartbeat and supports efficient functioning whether a person is feeling calm or stressed. A new study from Finland shows that more physically active and fit children have better cardiac regulation than those who are less active and less fit.
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