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Parenting and Exercise
Parenting and Finding Exercise Time

Generally speaking, fitness program directors and creators may want to brainstorm how to offer family focused fitness programs, or how to provide more robust child care.

Timing of Exercise
Does Timing of Exercise Matter?

Analysis of data found that any timing of exercise, moderate to vigorous, is linked with lower risks of all causes of death.

Irrational Beliefs in Athletes
Athletes and Irrational Beliefs

Many competitive athletes hold irrational beliefs and self-judgmental thoughts that lower self-confidence and increase competitive anxiety.

Two women walking in an office after prolonged sitting
Walking After Prolonged Sitting

Most know prolonged sitting is bad for health, but what are the options? The answer: 5 minutes of walking for every 30 minutes of sitting.

Man using strength training for inflammation
Strength Training and Inflammation

Continue to emphasize strength training for inflammation with your older adult clients, as new research adds insight into potential benefits.

Time-Restricted Eating and HIIT
Time-Restricted Eating and HIIT

A study finds that combining time-restricted eating and HIIT is more effective at improving cardiometabolic health than either approach alone.