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Moves to Strengthen the Pelvic Floor

One in three women has some form of pelvic-floor dysfunction—for example, incontinence, pelvic pain or pelvic organ prolapse (Christie & Colosi 2008). The start of pelvic core muscle weakness is commonly associated with pregnancy. Many pregnant women also have low-back pain and diastasis recti (splitting of the abdominal muscles at the linea alba), which can lead to the lower abdominal protrusion or “pooch” that so many women develop after childbirth or significant weight loss.

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Create Advertising That Works

Fancy television ads, colorful magazine spreads, eye-catching direct mail pieces: what do we truly hope to achieve with our ongoing marketing efforts? The answer: satisfied paying customers. However, with tremendous competition in the fitness industry today, traditional forms of advertising are no longer enough to garner significant results in most markets. It’s time to step it up. There is a difference between advertising and advertising effectively. To develop a successful marketing campaign, begin by taking two steps:

1. Devise a concrete plan.

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Program Design for the Future: Hybrid Training

At the Institute of Human Performance in Boca Raton, Florida, we believe there are many great approaches to strength development and performance enhancement. There is no need to pick sides; all methods of training are effective to some degree. Traditionally, strength and function have been treated as mutually exclusive: stability and core weakness have usually been treated in the rehabilitative or corrective movement setting, while hypertrophy and strength have been trained in the gym.

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Licensing Debate: Personal Trainers, Group Fitness Instructors

The November-December 2008 issue of IDEA Fitness Journal (2008; 5 [10], 16) reported on proposed legislation that would require personal trainers in Washington, DC, to register with the mayor and submit fees biennially. Registered personal trainers would be regulated by the Board of Physical Therapy and would operate within a scope of practice delineated by the board. Now, other states are following suit.

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How to Facilitate Retention

Client retention is one of the greatest obstacles wellness professionals can face. However, since it is far more difficult to attract a new client or student than to keep a current one, it’s crucial to strengthen your retention know-how.

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Green Tea Inhibits Breast Cancer Growth

If the results of one study are any indication, having a cup or two of green tea a day may offer special protection. Green tea is high in the antioxidant EGCG (epigallocatechin-3- gallate) which helps prevent the body’s cells from becoming damaged and prematurely aged.

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Pilates-Based Moves for Low-Back Pain

Do your clients describe themselves as having a “bad back?” If so, their complaints are not uncommon. The American Association of Neurological Surgeons reports that more than 65 million Americans suffer from low-back pain every year.

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Relaxation Therapy Minimizes Hot Flashes

With an estimated 85% of women experiencing hot flashes as they approach menopause, finding effective non-medication treatment is vitally important. A new Baylor University study shows hypnotic relaxation therapy can decrease the frequency and severity of hot flashes in menopausal women.

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Yoga: Movement as Metaphor

When was the last time you looked at the meaning behind your yoga practice? Attendees got the chance to peel off a layer of learning at the 2008 Inner IDEA Conference, held September 11-14 in Palm Springs, California in Yoga: Movement as Metaphor.

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Identifying and Managing Risk Among Trainers

 9  Business Basics:
Pricing Your Services
13  Technology:
From Mobile to Mobility
17  Training for Growth:
The Struggle for Significance
21  Best Practices:
Build Your Team

By nature, personal trainers are passionate, driven, organized and excellent at communicating, or so we would like to believe. In reality, within any team there are radical differences in terms of trainer competencies.

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Pricing Your Services

Pricing your services is a complex subject and, as a result, few organizations price as accurately as they should. Determining a good and fair price for your services requires consideration of a number of different items, including your costs, the value perceived by your customers, alternatives available to customers, your regional cost of living and the effects of any competition.

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From Mobile to Mobility

Remember the days when cell phones were simply used for making phone calls? Well, today’s mobile devices are equipped to do more than just have conversations. Via cell phones, users are now accessing the Web, text messaging friends, taking digital photos, streaming videos and of course, making phone calls.

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Build Your Team

It is said that if you want to be successful, you must surround yourself with great people. One of the most challenging aspects of running your own business is finding great people and then keeping them.

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