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Sherri McMillan, MS

Sherri McMillan, MS

Sherri McMillan, MSc, has been inspiring the world to adopt a fitness lifestyle for 30 years, and has received numerous industry awards, including the 2010 canfitpro International Fitness Presenter of the Year, 2006 IDEA Fitness Director of the Year, 1998 IDEA Personal Trainer of the Year and 1998 canfitpro Fitness Presenter of the Year. She is an international fitness presenter, personal trainer, fitness columnist for various magazines and newspapers, author of five books and manuals, including Go For Fit: The Winning Way to Fat Loss, Fit Over Forty, and The Successful Trainers Guide to Marketing, and a featured presenter in various fitness DVDs.

Article Archive

How to Become a Personal Trainer

January 19, 2018

If you love to work out and help others stay in shape, you could have a promising future as a personal fitness trainer. But don’t be blinded by the prospect of earning $60 an hour to exercise: Becoming a successful personal trainer requires education, personality and diligence.

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What You Can Learn From CrossFit®

November 12, 2014

If you ask a room full of fitness managers about CrossFit®, you’re likely to get responses that range in tenor from enthusiastic to disdainful. Despite the bad publicity CrossFit has received and how some in the mainstream fitness industry have shunned it, it’s more popular than ever. CrossFit has over 10,000 affiliates around the world (Beers 2014).

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Leadership Series, Part Four: Giving as a Powerful Business Idea

August 28, 2014

We all know about go-getters: people who see what they want and set out to acquire it no matter what. Authors Bob Burg and John David Mann provide a twist on that notion in The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea (Portfolio 2007). They argue that giving is the key to receiving.

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Unhappy Employees? How You Can Help

June 25, 2014

Why are some employees happy and others miserable? Answering that question is on the mind of every leader, manager and business owner who is trying to reduce staff turnover and improve productivity. Learning to be better managers can help us create a more positive working environment, which is good for everybody in our business.

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Leadership Series, Part Two: What’s Your Strength?

March 19, 2014

It’s the American way to focus on your weaknesses in order to improve your overall strengths. But in StrengthsFinder® 2.0 (Gallup Press 2007), author Tom Rath says that that approach has its priorities out of order.
Let’s say a child brings home a report card with five A grades and one D in math. How do parents typically respond?

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Fitness Resort Travel

December 20, 2012

Need a vacation? Worried about the expense? Do you know that several resorts will give you accommodations and food almost for free in return for teaching a couple of classes like yoga, Pilates, water fitness, Zumba® or boot camp each day of your trip? You can have a world-class vacation without paying the pricey rates of a high-class resort.

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Promoting a Fitness Bucket List

January 26, 2010

In the 2007 movie The Bucket List, Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson play terminally ill patients who escape the hospital ward to complete adventures on their “bucket list.” Most people can connect with the concept of a bucket list—the things you want to do before you “kick the bucket”—because no one wants to die with any regrets. We all want to live our fullest lives.

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Successful Project Management

March 31, 2008

Part of being an exceptional leader and personal trainer is having the ability to organize and manage events throughout the year. Unfortunately, very few personal trainers have actually been taught how to manage projects, and most neglect the fine details. They wind up dealing with chaos, handling crises, feeling stressed and ending up with an event that is not as high quality as it could…

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Partner Exercises

November 1, 2007

In today’s society, people struggle to find enough time to complete work-related projects, enjoy their loved ones and also take good care of themselves. A personal fitness trainer (PFT) who can demonstrate to clients that they can spend quality time with their sweetie or friends while helping each other stay healthy and fit will be in high demand! Partner training is more economical f…

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Rounding Up Referrals

October 31, 2006

Training for Growth
By Sherri McMillan, MSc, and Alex McMillan

Rounding Up Referrals
Discover strategies for keeping training schedules full.


Maintaining a near-capacity training schedule requires an entrepreneurial mentality. The personal training director needs to provide leadership and give trainers a reason for taking complete ownership of their individual schedules. Here’s what works wit…

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Face-to-Face Time: Meetings With a Purpose

March 31, 2006

Training for Growth
By Sherri McMillan, MSc, and Alex McMillan

Face-to-Face Time:
Guarantee your next meeting is a success with these helpful strategies. Why do most people dread attending meetings? It’s largely because meetings can be poorly organized and not thought out well. Many people perceive them to be time wasters that detract from getting more important work done. However, carefully plan…

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A Measure of Success

January 31, 2006

When working with clients, we all understand the importance of setting goals, and most of us go through the process of examining and re-examining clients’ goals on a regular basis. However, when it comes to our own lives and businesses, it’s often a different story.

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Get Centralized and Automated

October 31, 2005

Training for Growth
By Sherri McMillan, MSc, and Alex McMillan

Get Centralized and Automated
Streamline your operations and hit revenue goals. As consultants who travel around the world, we see many personal training businesses or departments that struggle with the same issues: I no personal training director or a director who trains 30…

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Smart Cancellation Policies

August 31, 2005

Training for Growth
By Sherri McMillan, MSc, and Alex McMillan

Smart Cancellation Policies
Establishing fair and consistent cancellation procedures is essential for business success. We’ve all been there. Your favorite client cancels 2 hours before her session because “something came up at work.” You say, “No problem”–after all, you don’t want to lose her business. The next day, another client s…

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