Menopause and Fitness: Expert Guidance from Dr. Mary Claire Haver
Menopause is a significant phase that affects roughly half of the global population. Despite its widespread occurrence, menopause remains a topic often misunderstood and inadequately addressed, especially within the realm…
Longer Sprint Intervals Achieve Fitness Faster
Comparison of different sprint interval protocols shows most efficient ways to exercise. New research shows that repeating multiple short sprint intervals is not as beneficial as fewer longer sprint intervals,…
Muscle Hypertrophy: Hormonal Responses and Physiological Mechanisms
Introduction: Hypertrophy Matters! Personal trainers and fitness professionals often need to discuss the importance of muscle hypertrophy (i.e., diameter size increase of muscle) with clients. All too often, clients become…
Walking Benefits Low Back Pain
Consistent walking program reduced the need for back pain care by half in new study. Consider adding a walking program into the routine of clients coping with low back pain…
We’ve curated all the fitness headlines just for you! Want the latest news? Check out Headlines for the newest info.
Cold Water Swimming Eases Perimenopause and Menopause Symptoms
Women felt that cold water swimming had a positive effect on menstruation, perimenopause and menopause symptoms, according to a survey.
Physical Activity Enhances Motor Skills Learning in Men
Moderate aerobic training before and after learning new motor skills led to a 10% improvement in an adult man’s ability to remember.
Dopamine and Exercise for Brain Fitness
A study found that cardiovascular exercise increased the brain’s dopamine levels, resulting in better cognitive performance.
Exercise for Brain Health and Dementia Risk
Exercise, even at moderate levels, is linked with maintaining brain health and size and reducing dementia risks as people age.
Cardio and Strength Training Reduces Heart Disease Risks
Here’s more evidence to encourage clients to mix cardio and strength training in their program for health benefits.
Exercise May Lower Prostate Cancer Risks Up to 35%
Men who improved their cardiorespiratory fitness level over time were less likely to develop prostate cancer.
6 Reasons to Include Loaded Carries in Every Client Program
Loaded carries are a group of exercises that can help improve clients’ ability to perform everyday activities that involve carrying things.
New Insights Into DOMs
Researchers reviewed studies on DOMS caused by eccentric contractions, noting instances when DOMS could be reduced.
Light Activity to Combat Obesity in Youth
Daily light physical activity among adolescents may prevent weight gain associated with major health risks in adulthood.
Time-Restricted Eating and Resistance Training
Recent research on time-restricted eating and resistance training, plus several practical application tools to implement with your clientele.
Osteoporosis: Facts, Stats and Exercise Recommendations
Health statistics, risk factors and pathogenesis of osteoporosis, as well as exercise recommendations for improving bone health.
R.I.C.E. Versus M.E.A.T.: What Method Is Best for Acute Inflammation?
A look at the R.I.C.E. method and why new research indicates using something called the M.E.A.T. method for acute inflammation may be better.
Does Timing of Exercise Matter?
Analysis of data found that any timing of exercise, moderate to vigorous, is linked with lower risks of all causes of death.
Jaw Clenching and Upper Body Training
Jaw clenching without a mouthguard can work as a strategy to enhance isometric muscle contraction in the upper body, according to a study.