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Walking Benefits Low Back Pain
Walking Benefits Low Back Pain

Consistent walking program reduced the need for back pain care by half in new study. Consider adding a walking program into the routine of clients coping with low back pain…

Collage of body part X rays
Bone Density and Healthy Aging

If you work with adults 50 and older, it may be time to educate them about the impact exercise can have on bone density and healthy aging.

Strength Training for Women

Adding programming that addresses strength training for women allows you to customize your offering and provide great client support. The key is in understanding muscle physiology and what women, specifically, need to succeed.

Diaphragmatic Breathing & Neck Pain

Everyone from elite athletes to average clients can benefit from learning more about breathing or reprogramming the way they breathe. More specifically, by teaching them techniques that emphasize diaphragmatic breathing, you will help them meet their exercise goals.