Kids & Teens
We’ve curated all the fitness headlines just for you! Want the latest news? Check out Headlines for the newest info.
Mental Health in Children: Yoga to the Rescue
Poor mental health is detrimental to the development and well-being of children. Can yoga for children help improve symptoms?
Light Activity to Combat Obesity in Youth
Daily light physical activity among adolescents may prevent weight gain associated with major health risks in adulthood.
Strength Training for Overweight Youth
Here’s some good news about the benefits of strength training for kids: it reduces body fat in children coping with overweight and obesity.
Influencing Childhood Activity
Researchers studied influences over children to lead physically active lives, since childhood activity results in better health as an adult.
Guided Self-Help for Childhood Obesity
A new program led to significant reductions in childhood obesity in a primarily Latino community with a prevalence of 38% childhood obesity.
Cycling Skills Linked to Increased Riding
Before and after training, investigators measured the relationship between cycling skills and bicycle use.
Exercise Improves Concentration in Children
New research shows exercise improves concentration in children, as exercise, concentration and quality of life are interconnected.
Strength Training for Youth
If you train kids, are you including youth strength training? Researchers share evidence-based benefits of training as early as age 5–7.
Weight Stigma Among Teens
New research finds that weight stigma causes harm to teens, especially those from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds.
Physical Activity Levels Among Teens Declining
Physical activity levels among American teens are declining. Researchers found that 75% of U.S. high-school students don’t meet daily levels.
Children Prefer Fun Physical Activity
Key factors for children to increase physical movement are social support, fun and outdoor activity, research shows.
Engaging in Youth Fitness
Now is the time to focus on developing new means of professional direction and income, and youth fitness is a worthy consideration.
Exercise, Adolescents and Depression
The pandemic was challenging for adolescents with depression, with girls at greater risk for both depression and anxiety than boys.
The Best Youth Soccer Warmup
When determining what kind of warmup is best for the youth soccer teams you coach, take a cue from recent research.
Functional Training for Youth
Functional strength training for youth led to significant improvements in flexibility, stability, and functional movement and strength.
Watching TV and Adult Fitness
Researchers found a clear relationship between watching TV while growing up and cardiorespiratory fitness in adulthood.
Exercise Needed for Children’s Mental Health
Researchers studied whether physical activity and screen time was linked with children’s mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Exergaming: Exercise and Fun for Kids
Parents may want to invest in exergaming programs, especially if their kids aren’t all that excited about fitness.
Physical Activity Reduces Inflammation in Kids
Physical activity sets children up for a healthier life. And here’s yet another reason to encourage fitness related to inflammation in kids.