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Jenna A. Bell, PhD, RD

Jenna A. Bell, PhD, RD

Jenna A. Bell, PhD, RD, holds a doctorate degree in exercise science and a master's degree in nutrition. She is a popular speaker and writer for IDEA Fitness Journal.

Article Archive

Analyze Today’s Hot Button Issues in Nutrition

June 12, 2019

Nutrition has become an international pastime. It’s woven into conversations among friends in person and online; it is a priority for scientific study and public policy; diet-related headlines make local and international news; and celebs leverage their fame to promote their products and practices in the kitchen. Accompanying this enthusiasm are differing opinions, scientific debates and downright disputes. Meanwhile, misinformation fills gaps left by insufficient research or inconclusive results.

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10 Triggers That Changed Our Eating in the Past 30 Years

June 26, 2012

Food fads and diet trends have come and gone over the past 30 years, but only a few have profoundly influenced how we eat and how health and wellness professionals serve our clients. With insights from nutrition experts, let’s take a walk down memory lane to look (in no particular order) at 10 changes that…

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cranberries: not just for the holidays!

December 8, 2010

The tart, tangy cranberry often accompanies a holiday meal, but did you know that the berry can offer year-round benefits? Here are five factoids you may not know about this unassuming superfruit: 1. Research has shown that consuming cranberry products helps to protect against urinary tract infections (UTI) in men and women (Howell 2002; Howell et al. 2005; Gupta et al. 2007; Vidlar et al. 2010). UTIs cause pain and inconvenience for approximately 11 million women per year and cost over $1.6 billion annually to treat (Foxman et al. 2000). 2.

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2009 Nutrient Trend Alert

March 4, 2009

Some nutrient trends are like the hemlines of women’s skirts: they come and go from one season to the next and quickly fall out of favor. One trend that appears to be here to stay is that Americans are (or at least want to be) eating to improve their health. In fact, a 2008 consumer attitude survey shows that two out of three Americans (67%) are willing to change their diet specifically to improve their health (International Food Council [IFIC] 2008).

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Navigating the Aisles of Natural Food Markets

May 28, 2008

Natural and organic food markets have
sprouted up everywhere, offering shoppers an alternative to conventional
supermarkets. Health-conscious consumers now have a nearby source for “natural”
foods, such as organic produce and other foods that are free of antibiotics,
preservatives, growth hormones and trans fats.

But natural food markets can…

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How to Start a Nutrition Program in Your Health Club

December 31, 2006

Once designed as places to improve muscle tone and do some cardiovascular training, fitness facilities are now the setting for serious lifestyle modifications to improve the body, mind and spirit of members. Clearly, consumers are seeking more than just exercise options from their health clubs. Facilities across the country have responded to this quest by offering a plethora of new servic…

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The Buzz About Nutrient Timing

January 31, 2005

The search for ways to enhance performance and muscle growth through dietary manipulation is not new. Questions abound regarding the optimal amounts of protein, carbohydrate and fat needed to boost performance, while nutrition recommendations based on training goals are plentiful…

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Eat Less to Live Longer

January 31, 2004

In an era when everything from sport utility vehicles to hamburgers comes “supersized,” the notion that less is more may seem terribly out-of-date. But when it comes to calories, eating fewer may very well turn out to be a prescription for a longer—and healthier—life. The topic of calorie restriction has gotten a lot of attention…

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Optimal Eating

October 31, 2003

A registered dietitian is your best friend when it comes to suggesting dietary changes to your clients, but you can help them stay nourished around their sessions. Clients’ nutrition goals are as varied as their exercise programs. The chart on page 59 offers ideas that will produce optimal effects before, during and after your clients’…

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The Lowdown on Leptin

March 31, 2003

Researchers once thought that body fat was as sedentary as the people who accumulated it. Through animal studies, scientists subsequently learned that adipose tissue is quite active in the way our bodies balance energy and control weight (Harris 2000). Further investigation ultimately led to the discovery of leptin, a hormone that is produced by and…

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