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IDEA Member Spotlight: January 2021

Meet three IDEA members who truly shine.

January 2021 Member Spotlight

Heather Binns

Member Since 2010 :: North Hollywood, California

Personal trainer Heather Binns

In many ways, Heather Binns exemplifies the evolution of our industry. Always athletic and interested in helping others, she got her first fitness job with no actual experience. “I was probably hired based on looking healthy and fit,” she says, but she followed up by earning an impressive array of certifications. And today, she embraces the idea that everyone can benefit from fitness. “Everybody is an athlete—no matter who you are,” she explains. “I love helping people ‘Find Your Athlete Within,’” a phrase that’s become the tagline of her award-winning gym, Renov8 Fitness. Through her corporate work, books, and TV and speaking appearances, Heather has become an ambassador for fitness. “I’ve coached thousands of people worldwide,” she says. “I enable them to shatter self-imposed glass ceilings to reach their fullest potential and unprecedented levels of fulfillment.”

Ling Romulo

Member Since 2002 :: San Jose, California

Personal trainer Ling Romulo

Ling Romulo’s fitness journey started after the birth of her second child. “I wanted to gain my strength and figure back,” she explains. And she did! So much so that her trainers encouraged her to compete in the Miss Philippines national bodybuilding competition. “It was my first and only competition ever,” she says, proud of her third-place finish. “Shortly thereafter, women at the gym asked me to train them. It started as a hobby.” After moving to California, she got serious, earning certifications and training full-time. “I get the most satisfaction when my clients see results; I have helped many to get off medication and reverse their chronic health conditions. I want to inspire more women to gain their confidence back, like I did, by adopting a healthy lifestyle. It’s never too late to start.”

Sandy Ellis

Member Since 2015 :: Cleveland

Personal trainer Sandy Ellis

“My goal is to reach the populations that sometimes get overlooked when it comes to designing fitness classes,” says Sandy Ellis. She trains clients with Parkinson’s disease and coaches team sports for individuals with developmental and physical disabilities. “When we meet, [my clients] may come with low self-confidence or self-doubt, but through fitness, they start to believe in themselves,” she says. “I’m able to provide them with an opportunity to unlock their own potential and abilities.” In 2019, her Boxing Buddies project—an adaptive boxing and fitness program—won the Ohio Parks and Recreation’s Award of Excellence for adaptive programs. “I have seen fitness change my clients’ lives, but they have no idea how my life has been changed through meeting them. I am the one who is truly blessed.”

We’d Like to Put the Spotlight on You!

If you would like to be featured in this section or know an IDEA member who stands out in the fitness crowd, email a brief description of your (or your colleague’s) fitness activities and achievements and a high-resolution digital photograph (at least 300 dpi, in focus, well-lit and at least 3″ × 3″ in its original digital format) to [email protected]. Please include your IDEA member number, if possible. You (or the colleague) must be an IDEA member to be considered for this section.

For more information on membership & benefits, visit ideafit.com.

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