Gary Collins
Member Since 2011 | Escondido, California
“I aspire to teach health and wellness in a simple, straightforward way,” says New American Nutrition owner and master level personal trainer Gary Collins. “My goal is to reach over a million people during my career and change their lives.”
Gary has a unique background with insider knowledge from working as a special agent for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. He uses this knowledge in publishing educational materials and presenting at workshops to assist others in obtaining optimal health. Gary has also published his first book The Primal Power Method: Unlocking the Ancient Secret to Health.
Gary would like to see more emphasis on holistic nutrition in the fitness industry. “It all starts with what you put in your mouth, not how many Zumba® classes you can take in a day,” he says. He would also like to see fitness professionals take an interest in their own health as well as their clients’ health. “Make sure you practice what you preach.”
Gary also finds time to train disadvantaged individuals for free. He also belongs to the Phoenix Patrons Foundation, a charity for severely disabled veterans.