Feedback From the Field: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In a previous issue of Inner IDEA Body-Mind-Spirit Review, we asked: Where do you see yourself and the wellness industry in 5 years? What changes do you predict, based on present circumstances?
“I envision myself still working in the fitness field, either paid or volunteering. My pay will be a better quality of life at 72. I will be 68 in July 2009 and I take no medications. I teach four classes, all different components of exercise, and work 40+ hours each week. I was told at age 28 I would be in a wheel chair by the time I turned 60. I set out to prove them wrong. Having five children by that time—with my oldest having Down Syndrome—that was not an option.
“I had always walked with my children and volunteered at their sports events. At this point in my life I have proof that being active is the best medicine. I was diagnosed with a spine disease and my doctor said ‘if any doctor looks at your x-rays and MRI they would know that you are not able to do anything; but I recently read that you are still playing softball and was inducted in the Softball Hall of Fame.’ This is why in 5 years I pray I will still do what I like to do stay active. My children and grandchildren are following in my foot steps staying active and healthy.”
— Kay Pullen