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Refuel Your Passion and Enhance Your Career

Education, inspiration and motivation abound at the 2014 IDEA World Fitness ConventionÔäó.

The fitness profession is all about passion. Fuel that passion and inject your personal training career with new energy, ideas, skills, connections and motivators at the action-packed 2014 IDEA World Fitness Convention in Anaheim, California, August 13–17.
The IDEA World Fitness Convention could well be the healthiest place on earth this summer with 12,000 personal trainers, group fitness instructors, mind-body professionals, and fitness facility owners and managers from more than 60 countries coming together to experience the best education and top new trends in the industry.

A New Experience Around Every Corner

Brand-new sessions, presenters, equipment, activities and entertainment will be shaking things up this year for an awesome IDEA World Fitness experience featuring some radical opportunities for you to accelerate your professional and personal success:

  • The first-ever IDEA Summer Games, brought to you by Les Mills, will let you battle it out on the outdoor Grand Plaza for gold, silver or bronze medals. Scheduled competitions include Runner’s Revenge; Strength and Conditioning Match-Up; Speed, Agility and Quickness Challenge; and the Les Mills GRIT™ Games Competition.
  • For the first time, Inner IDEA® is partnering with Hay House Publishing to bring you Transformation Saturday, your opportunity to hear keynote presentations from four best-selling authors and groundbreaking speakers in the field of personal transformation:
    • The Power of Transformation: What Would It Take for You to Realize Just How Powerful You Are? with Anita Moorjani
    • You Can Create an Exceptional Life with Cheryl Richardson
    • Make Your Own Rules: How to Achieve Your Most Radiant Self From the Inside Out with Tara Stiles
    • You can also meet the authors in book-signing sessions.

    Programs for a Better Business

    Convention sessions give you an opportunity to explore new markets, techniques, skills and ideas. You can also earn up to 23 CECs during the event, plus 4–8 additional CECs during preconference and postconference workshops. Here’s a look at some of the top featured areas on the program:

    Small-Group (and Partner) Training

    Build your small-group and partner training skills in sessions like these:

    • The Art of Progressing Clients in Small-Group Training
    • The Small-Group Experience—Smart Programming for Clubs
    • PlayGrounZ: Small-Group Personal Training for Big Moneymaking
    • TRX® Group Rip™ Power

    Business Owners, Fitness Managers and Program Directors
    Learn to create in-club programming that sparks member interest, and discover how to hire superstars, deliver useful feedback to your instructors and trainers, turbocharge profits, and more.

    Marketing & Business for Fitness Professional Entrepreneurs
    Take your brand to the next level with targeted business-building sessions:

    • Going Solo—How to Open Your Own Business
    • How to Propel Your Brand Using YouTube
    • Perform Better®: R.I.P. Traditional Marketing
    • Kill the Comp . . . and Land Long-Term Clients

    Specific Populations: Boomers and Older Adults, Women, Youth, and New Exercisers
    Whatever your market niche, sessions are available to help you individualize your services, your communication style and your marketing.

    Build Skills and Revenue With Preconference and Postconference Courses

    One of the best professional opportunities at IDEA World Fitness is the specialized training available before the event—and this year, for the first time, in-depth courses are also being offered after the event. All preconference and postconference courses offer a certificate of completion. For more information on certification details, prerequisite courses, materials provided, etc., see full course descriptions at This year, you can choose from 13 preconference and 4 postconference courses. Some examples:
    TRX FORCE®: Suspension Training® Course, Level 2 with Dan McDonogh and Fraser Quelch

    A Day of IMPACT—A Life of LEADERSHIP! with Todd Durkin, MA
    ACE: Sports Conditioning Workshop with Jonathan Ross and Anthony Wall, MS

    NASM: Corrective Exercise Workshop with Marty Miller, DHSc, and Theresa Miyashita, PhD

SIDEBAR: Event at a Glance

When: Wednesday, August 13–Sunday, August 17, 2014
Where: Anaheim Convention Center
Preconference sessions: Wednesday, August 13
Postconference sessions: Sunday, August 17
Accommodations: Anaheim Marriott, 700 West Convention Way, Anaheim, CA 92802
Reservations and hotel information: (714) 750-8000 (toll-free). Special IDEA room rate (available until July 14) for single/double suite: $159 plus applicable state and local taxes. Each additional person: $20 per night plus applicable state and local taxes. Go to and click on “Hotel Reservations” to book your hotel reservations directly with the Anaheim Marriott. Mention that you are an IDEA attendee to receive the discounted rates. Rates are applicable 3 days before and 3 days after the convention, based on availability.
Early-bird pricing deadline: June 27, 2013
Registration discounts: Become an IDEA member and save on your registration for the convention and the preconference/postconference sessions.

SIDEBAR: Business Members: Bring Your Staff and Save!

Attention, business and program director members! You can receive the discounted member price on an unlimited number of registrations for the convention and for preconference and postconference sessions. Groups of 5 or more registering together save $25 on each full registration—all forms and fees must be submitted together.

SIDEBAR: Get the Early-Bird Price Until June 27

Don’t delay—get a great deal! Early-bird pricing for the full convention is $399 for members, $489 for nonmembers. Early-bird pricing for the 1-day package is $219 for members, $259 for nonmembers. Early-bird pricing expires June 27, 2014.

SIDEBAR: 3-Payment Plan for Easy Budgeting

Sign up for the budget-friendly 3-payment plan by June 1 and get instant access to select your sessions. For more information, or to sign up for the 3-payment plan, please visit

SIDEBAR: 4 Ways to Register

  1. Go online to select your sessions and register today at
  2. Call to register: (800) 999-4332, ext. 7. Outside the U.S. and Canada: (858) 535-8979, ext. 7.
  3. Mail your registration: Download the registration form at and mail it, along with your payment, to IDEA, 10455 Pacific Center Court, San Diego, CA 92121.
  4. Fax your downloaded registration form, along with your payment information, to (858) 535-8234.

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