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Mental Wellbeing and the Fitness Professional

A Year-Long Discussion of Mental Health and the Relevancy to Fitness Professionals

Mental Wellbeing is at the core of health.  Join us as we explore the myriad of ways fitness professionals can impact mental wellbeing in their clients, key knowledge concepts in relevant topics and how fitness professionals can stay mentally well themselves.

We will be focusing on 5 key topics in Mental Wellbeing and how each has an impact –

  • Physical Activity
  • Helping Others
  • Sleep
  • Social Connections
  • Nutrition

Each of these topics are a vital part of an individual’s overall mental wellness. The topics will be approached in two ways – how a fit pro impacts their clients or participants and then how fitness professionals can ensure their own mental health.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) concept. Deep learning. Mindfulness. Psychology.

According to the World Health Organization (2022), mental wellbeing can be described as “a state…that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community”. Every individual will experience and define their own mental fitness in a unique way. And it is almost guaranteed that every single person will have at least one point in their life when they struggle with their mental state.  A common misconception of mental wellbeing is that if you do not have a diagnosed mental illness, you are mentally well. In reality, this type of health exists on a continuum that will fluctuate over time. As fitness professionals, the goal is to provide a framework within our scope that supports healthy and ongoing mental, emotional and psychological wellbeing.

As with many aspects of overall health, a good foundation is necessary.  Staying physically active, positively impacting others, good sleep hygiene, maintain social connections and good nutrition will help lay a solid base.

We look forward to working through each of these important topics with you over the next year!

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