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Sample Class: Slam It!

Focus on strength, agility and mobility in this hard-hitting, high-intensity class.

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If you’re like a lot of instructors, you love coming up with different ways to use the small equipment in your supply closet. This class utilizes sand bells, sandbags or slam balls and incorporates elements of strength, agility, core work and mobility. Take participants through a hardcore, heavy-hitting exercise series designed to chisel their physiques. This class is easy to coach and cue, simple to understand, and still challenging. Get ready to slam through barriers and achieve amazing results in your next class!

Slam It! Details

Total time: 30 minutes

Format: high-intensity cardio and strength

Goal/emphasis: to challenge aerobic capacity and improve speed, agility and coordination

Equipment: one sand bell, sandbag or slam ball per person

Music: high-energy music with a driving beat, 135–140 beats per minute

Additional details:

  • Teach in blocks of four unique exercises.
  • Perform each exercise slowly for 15 seconds, allowing participants to learn the movement while focusing on proper form and technique.
  • Follow with 45 seconds of maximum effort.
  • Each of the four “slam sets” signifies the end of a block. These 30-second work efforts focus on achieving the maximum number of “slams” or reps possible.

Injury prevention tips:

  • While high-intensity training is accessible to participants at every fitness level, make sure they pace themselves as needed and push no further than their personal edge.
  • Check that participants are far enough apart to perform the different movements (and for social distancing, if necessary). Each person needs a dedicated work area.
  • Confirm that all equipment has been wiped down and sanitized. Place equipment near each participant for easy access.
  • To ensure that everyone feels successful, cue for all levels and offer modifications for each drill.

Warmup (3 minutes)

Keep the starting moves simple and athletic. Prepare participants by warming up their joints and muscles.

  • Start with basic squats and arm circles.
  • Do reverse alternating lunges.
  • Cue 3-count lateral shuffles right and left.
  • Do small track-kicks, 4x, each side.
  • Perform lateral lunges, alternating R and L.

Repeat as needed.

Work Phase (24 minutes)

Each block includes four drills (utilizing the 15/45 split), lasting a total of 4 minutes. There is a 15-second rest between exercises, followed by a 30-second slam set to finish the block. Between blocks, there’s a 30-second transition. Note: The term “bell” is used throughout the exercise descriptions; in each case, you can use a sand bell, sandbag or slam ball, as you wish.

Block One

  • Squat with upright row exchange: Do basic squat while holding bell in one hand and doing upright row. Alternate sides.
  • Plank side pull-through to side plank: Start in high plank, bell in front. Pull it through to opposite side; release and do side plank. Repeat; alternate sides.
  • Throw with run: Toss or throw bell about 3–6 feet in front of you. Run forward, retrieve bell, backpedal and repeat.
  • Double halo high to low: Do halo around head with bell and then do halo around waist.

Slam set: burpee. Throw bell on floor and do burpee. Repeat.

Block Two

  • Plank row with hop: Start in high plank. Do 3 rows with bell, hop legs forward and back; switch arms.
  • Single-leg deadlift: Begin standing, holding bell. Lift R leg behind you as you counterbalance forward with bell, hips level. Return to start and repeat L.
  • Cross-chop to shuffle: Do wood chop while holding bell; shuffle R. Repeat, opposite side.
  • Reverse single-arm bear crawl: Do backward bear crawl while dragging bell (alternate arms).

Slam set: elevator slam. Lift bell overhead and then slam to floor. Lift to shoulder and slam to floor. Lift to waist and slam to floor. Repeat.

Block Three

  • Side lunge with front raise: From sumo squat, holding bell, do side lunge R while lifting bell in front of you. Alternate, L.
  • X tic-toc: Hold bell overhead, feet shoulder-distance apart. Perform quick abduction/1–2 hop (tic-toc).
  • Side skates: Hold bell at shoulder height and do side lunge, R (L leg is straight). Touch bell to floor, push back to center and perform front raise. Repeat, L.
  • Knee pull to extension: Holding bell in hands, bring R knee up to meet elbows. Extend bell overhead; repeat, L knee.

Slam set: halo. Do halo and then slam bell to floor. Pick up and repeat.

Block Four

  • Swing to triceps extension: Do “kettlebell” swing with bell. At top of movement, do triceps extension.
  • Lunge hold with reach and slam: Do forward lunge R while holding bell. While holding lunge, slam bell; repeat, L.
  • Reaction run and chest with slam: Hold bell at chest in squat (ready) position. Run up 6 feet, slam bell to floor, retrieve bell and backpedal to starting position. Repeat, varying timing.
  • V-up with rollover: Do V-up while holding bell and then roll body over and back on floor; repeat.

Slam set: Plank slam with hop and quarter turn. Hold bell at chest and throw on floor. Jump down to plank, jump up, retrieve bell and do quarter plyometric turn. Repeat until turn makes full circle.

Cooldown (3 minutes)

Give everyone time to drink some water, and then lead the group through the following moves, holding for at least 10–15 seconds before switching sides.

  • standing quadriceps stretch
  • standing hamstring stretch
  • standing crossover gluteal stretch
  • chest stretch (grasp hands behind back)
  • standing cactus (reach arms overhead and pull down into goal post position, leaning back slightly)

See also: Sample Class: Sand Bell HIIT

Jennifer Renfroe

Jennifer Renfroe is the regional director of group fitness for Crunch Fitness┬« in Atlanta. She is also a master trainer for the Nautilus InstituteÔäó/Schwinn Cycling┬«. Certifications: ACE, AFAA

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