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Operation Organization

Synergistic Systems
By Kay L. Cross, MEd

Operation Organization
Don’t wait for spring to make a clean sweep of your working environment! If someone peered into your car, file cabinets, kitchen pantry, laundry room or closet, what would they assume about you? Would they guess that you are always in a hurry, loaded down with too much stuff and barely holding your act together in the public eye? Or would they think that you are organized, thoughtful about your life, unstressed and living unencumbered? In the last column, we explored the idea of creating systems to make your life and work run more smoothly. For the personal trainer, wellness coach or facility manager, the task of creating systems can be divided into two general categories: practice management and client management. In this and the next issue, we will focus on practice management. Be ready to get your hands dirty and your brow sweaty this month–you will be cleaning out, throwing out and beginning the process of organizing! If the prospect of spending an entire Saturday clearing out your office is depressing, set aside 30

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