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A Banquet of Topics

Each July, our editors take IDEA Fitness Journal off its
usual format to bring you a fresh menu of career and industry feature articles
to feed your minds with ideas promoting professional growth. This year, we’ve
covered exciting new ground and learned a lot in the process.

A great place to start is with an overview of industry-wide
equipment and programming trends. The 2008 IDEA Fitness Programs &
Equipment Survey will give you a strong sense of what your
colleagues are doing and experiencing in their facilities. As survey authors
Jan Schroeder, PhD, and Karlie Friesen, MS, say at the beginning of the
article, personal trainers, group exercise instructors—indeed, all fitness
professionals—have to stay on their toes in this dynamic industry. It’s not
just fit people coming to the gym anymore. Meeting the demands of a diverse
spectrum of customers is an ongoing challenge for the entire industry. Doing it
well requires paying diligent attention to the latest research and implementing
it safely and effectively.

This year’s results reveal the workout elements clients are
sticking to, as well as some new ventures to make things interesting. There is
a wide range of activity and equipment choices to match almost every category
or special need that clients can present.

In addition to the survey, read fascinating, timely and relevant
articles about beating burnout as a personal trainer; making a career for
yourself as a fitness and wellness pro in the flourishing spa industry;
handling career changes with finesse; implementing Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingÔäó into your communication style for
more meaningful client interactions; seeing the industry from the younger
generation’s perspective; preventing childhood obesity; understanding basic
accounting techniques; and using online video-sharing à la YouTube to showcase
ideas, refine techniques and create a worldwide community of fitness
professionals. Also, catch up with the nine nominees for the 2008 IDEA Health
& Fitness Inspiration AwardsÔäó. It’s a banquet of topics to whet your creative appetite.

Inner IDEA Body-Mind-Spirit Review Wins Prestigious Award

Speaking of inspiration, we’re very proud
to announce that in May, Inner
IDEA Body-Mind-Spirit Review,
a conscious career e-newsletter
published by Inner IDEA®, won
the Maggie Award from the Western Publications Association (WPA) in the
category “Best Web E-Newsletter/Trade & Consumer.” The Maggie Awards honor
both consumer and trade magazines, print and electronic, in a wide range of
categories. This is the fourth consecutive Maggie Award for the IDEA Health
& Fitness Association publications department.

Inner IDEA
Body-Mind-Spirit Review,
directed by senior editor Joy Keller,
balances practical fitness and wellness programming ideas with business tips,
mind-body research and stories about personal and professional transformation.
The e-newsletter also helps build community through a shared passion for
optimal health and wellness. If you haven’t yet subscribed to this free
e-newsletter, you can do so now at www.inneridea.com.

In the meantime, we hope your journey into these pages is
enlightening and invigorating. We look forward to seeing all of you at the IDEA
World Fitness ConventionÔäó this

In good health,

Kathie and Peter Davis

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