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Valentine’s Day Resistance?

Take a moment to remind your clients that eating a heart full of bonbons and consuming a calorie-laden, fat-rich dinner with their sweethearts are not mandatory activities. Instead, suggest that they start new, more holistic and heart-healthy traditions of their own. For instance, what shows you care for or love someone more than . . .

—a stimulating evening get-together with friends or that “special someone” to cook a heart-healthy dinner high in phytochemicals and antioxidants (dark chocolate and red wine count!);

—a vigorous walk through a nearby park timed to coincide with a vista of the sunset at the end (what an excellent mind-body experience!);

—a partner workout for couples who use your facility;

—yoga by candlelight with soft music; or

—a workshop on partner stretching and/or massages to help clients kick off (or cap off—hubba-hubba) the evening on just the right note?

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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