U.S. Breaks Obesity Record
Obesity continues to plague modern society. According to a new report, the problem is getting worse.
According to the Gallup- Healthways Well-Being Index®, the obesity rate in the United States is the highest it has been since the report’s inception in 2008. At that time, nationwide obesity was 25.5%; it has risen steadily, reaching 27.7% in 2014. The report also looks at obesity rates in individual states and highly populated communities. Mississippi is considered the most obese state at 35.2%, and has been one of the 10 most obese states since 2008. Hawaii, on the other hand, boasts the lowest rate at 19%.
The Gallup Index consists of 2.2 million self-reported surveys wherein respondents provide information on their height and weight. The analysts use this information to determine each individual’s BMI. They also look at each respondent’s well-being across five elements: purpose, social, financial, physical and community.
You can download the full report here: www.well-beingindex.com/2014-obesity-report.