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ginger-poached salmon with orange and honey

With springtime in full swing, a cook’s thoughts turn
to quick meals that don’t require a lot of time in a hot
kitchen. Poaching fish is a healthy way to feed your
family when you can’t take any more heat!

1 large orange

1 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken broth

2 teaspoons (tsp) finely grated, fresh ginger root

2 tsp finely chopped pickled ginger

2 tablespoons (tbs) honey

1 pound skinless, deboned salmon fillets

1 or 2 tbs unsalted butter

Grate orange zest and squeeze the juice. In large, lidded skillet, combine zest and juice with chicken broth, both types of ginger and honey; bring just to boiling point over medium-high heat, stirring to mix well. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook for 1–2 minutes, stirring constantly.

Add salmon fillets, cover and cook for another 4–5 minutes. Using spatula, carefully turn fillets over in skillet and cook for an additional 4–5 minutes or until cooked through. Transfer salmon to a plate, and cover loosely to keep warm.

Increase heat under skillet to medium-high, and cook remaining liquid until sauce comes to a boil. Whisk in butter, stirring until sauce thickens. Divide fillets among four individual plates, and spoon warm sauce over fish. Serve immediately. Makes four servings.

Per Serving: 264 calories; 12 grams (g) fat; 26 g protein; 12 g carbs; 65 g milligrams (mg) cholesterol; 84 mg sodium. n

Source: Adapted from The Great American Eat-Right Cookbook by Jeanne Besser and Colleen Doyle (American Cancer Society 2007).

Diane Lofshult is a contributing editor for IDEA Fitness Journal.

PHOTOGRAPHY: thebittenword.com

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