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Sandy Todd Webster

Sandy Todd Webster

For 22 years, Sandy Todd Webster was the chief architect of IDEA's content program - including the award-winning IDEA FITNESS JOURNAL and IDEA FOOD & NUTRITION TIPS - the industry's leading resources for fitness, wellness and nutrition professionals worldwide. She created, launched and nurtured these brands and many others during her productive and purposeful IDEA tenure. Sandy is a Rouxbe-certified professional plant-based cook and a Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach who is pursuing a Master's degree in Sustainable Food Systems through The Culinary Institute of America (expected August 2024). She plans to combine these passions with her content expertise to continue inspiring others to make the world a more just, healthy and regenerative place.

Article Archive

Studies have shown that exposure to "fitspiration" images, such as those often portrayed by fitness influencers on social media, can lead to negative body image and disordered eating behaviors—risk factors for depression.

Toward Evidence-Based Fitspiration

May 18, 2023

Studies have shown that “fitspiration” of idealized body images, such as those often portrayed by fitness influencers on social media, can lead to negative body image and disordered eating behaviors—risk factors for depression.

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Celebrating MOVEment at IDEA World.

Celebrate MOVEment at 2023 IDEA World

April 8, 2023

Until you’ve lived IDEA World you won’t understand what a game changer this extravaganza of fitness, nutrition, wellness and fun can be both personally and professionally.        

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Sustainable eating

Sustainable Eating for People and Planet

March 24, 2023

As we swing into the final days of National Nutrition Month, I wanted to share a few thoughts on the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics’ 2023 theme “Fuel for the Future,” with an eye toward eating sustainably. As it turns out, sustainable eating is a dual-purposed and tasty way to nourish ourselves during every phase…

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heart art

American Heart Month

February 8, 2023

February is American Heart Month, which gives you a great reason to engage both clients and staff on a number of cardiovascular health topics. Why not consider the following?  Did you see the American Heart Association collaborated with a panel of dietitians, nutrition researchers and physicians to provide tips for heart health nutrition in its…

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2023 Sunrise

Sustaining Behavioral Change

December 30, 2022

Behavioral change is hard because humans are complicated. Co-creating change with clients requires that you honor how complex behavior can be while also recognizing the efforts required to repattern a lifestyle.

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Wintry scene of pine trees and snow to represent inclusive engagement during the holidays

Inclusive, Thoughtful Engagement

December 16, 2022

During this busy season of parties and celebrations, it can be easy to overlook that there may be folks on your team or in your client community who may not feel the same holiday wonder and joy you do. Everyone has a story and not all stories are happy ones.  

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A Season of Gratitude

December 13, 2022

On behalf of our team, we wish you a rich and happy holiday season, and we thank you for your continued support of our shared mission.

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Women's health advocacy

Women’s Health Advocacy

October 21, 2022

Do you ever find re-entry to work after a solid vacation to be challenging? Following seven heavenly days in the Napa and Sonoma Valleys, I returned to IDEA on Monday feeling refreshed—but also dragging a little bit. What’s up with that? I think my senses were longing for the pastoral scenes, fresh air and buzziness of…

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Judy after 100th half-marathon

Small-Group Training Can Be Transformative 

October 7, 2022

Resumed focus on small-group models is also a reflection of the challenging economic times we are living in. Small-group training exploded by necessity back in 2008 as we all had to rethink our business models amid recession. It’s more efficient and lucrative for you to train small groups, and it’s more affordable (and inspirational) for your clients to band together for purchasing power. We’re all feeling the bite of inflation, and many are still recovering from pandemic losses. Take a page from Judy’s book and rethink what’s not working for you and how an updated small-group model could help your business in multiple ways. 

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Corrective Ex and Pumpkin Spice?

September 23, 2022

Pain is a common theme among a high percentage of clients and it often prevents them from reaching their goals. Fitness professionals know that corrective exercise is one strategy to help clients retain vibrant movement health and navigate life pain-free. As people aspire to return to their former levels of functional freedom, IDEA and its members stand ready to help them release restrictions and move with ease.

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comfort zone

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

August 19, 2022

Staycations are great, but sometimes it takes a holiday outside the confines of our comfort zones to stretch ourselves and grow.  I’m just back from a much-needed vacation and change of scene and routine. Disconnecting from my screens, Zoom meetings, daily stressors and the mundane of day-to-day reminded me of just how critical it is…

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2022 IDEA World Convention: A LIMITLESS Oasis

July 27, 2022

IDEA around 5,500 attendees, staff and exhibitors gulped refreshment from IDEA World’s overflowing cup of knowledge. Attendees were inspired to set sights on what comes next for their careers, their businesses, their clients and our industry.

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