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Woman doing daily activity for cancer prevention

Short Bursts of Daily Activity and Cancer

By Shirley Eichenberger-Archer, JD, MA / December 5, 2023

Short bursts of vigorous lifestyle activity up to a total of four to five minutes per day is linked with a significantly reduced risk of cancer, according to findings described in JAMA Oncology

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Exercise and cancer prevention

Exercise and Cancer Prevention

By Shirley Eichenberger-Archer, JD, MA / March 14, 2022

Remind clients that fitness offers numerous benefits beyond what meets the eye, including cancer prevention.

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Alcohol Consumption and Health in the COVID-19 Era

By Sanna Delmonico, MS, RDS, CHES / December 7, 2021

Nearly 1 in 4 Americans say they began drinking more during the pandemic to cope with stress. The irony is that, while alcohol can temporarily relieve stress, in the long run it can contribute to anxiety and depression.

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Women exercising for chemotherapy side effects

Physical Activity Helps Chemotherapy Side Effects

By Shirley Eichenberger-Archer, JD, MA / December 6, 2021

People coping with cancer treatment are often saddled with one of the chemotherapy side effects called “chemo brain.” Can exercise help?

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Woman with cancer exercising

Training Cancer Patients

By Shirley Eichenberger-Archer, JD, MA / June 3, 2021

New findings suggest that training cancer patients with both high-intensity and low- to moderate-intensity exercise is beneficial.

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