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Carrie Myers Smith

Carrie Myers Smith

Article Archive

Sexual Harassment in the Fitness Industry

July 29, 2018

One day, while stretching my client Jim, I was taken aback when I realized he wasn’t wearing underwear. His shorts were swim trunks with interior netting. I quickly looked away and continued to stretch him. This happened with Jim on several other occasions, but I never mentioned it because I wasn’t sure how to broach the matter. I also didn’t feel that he was doing this intentionally, nor did I believe he meant harm.

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Sexual Harassment and the Fitness Industry

July 11, 2018

One day, while stretching my client Jim, I was taken aback when I realized he wasn’t wearing underwear. His shorts were swim trunks with interior netting. I quickly looked away and continued to stretch him. This happened with Jim on several other occasions, but I never mentioned it because I wasn’t sure how to broach the matter. I also didn’t feel as if he was doing this intentionally, nor did I believe he meant harm.

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Are Your Beliefs About Success and Money Holding You Back?

June 2, 2017

Are you tired of watching everyone else move forward in business and become successful? Even though you want to make more money and enjoy some level of financial freedom, do you keep hitting roadblocks? The obstacles that are stopping you from achieving what you want may surprise you—and your money mindset may be partly to blame.

What Is Money Mindset?

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Pivot Your Business to Success

September 30, 2016

In my last column, I wrote about how perfectionism can spell d-o-o-m to a business. One reason for this is that having an inflexible business mind means you’re not willing to really do what it takes to succeed.

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Perfectionism: Can It Squelch Success?

July 25, 2016

Hello. My name is Carrie, and I’m a recovering perfectionist.

My business has suffered from my perfectionism. Before I release anything new, I need to make sure it’s “perfect”—whether it’s a business card, an article, my website or a video. Although intellectually I know that “perfect” is an unreachable ideal, I procrastinate because I fear failure; after all, nothing is good enough. So ultimately, I’m stuck and my business isn’t moving forward.

Can you relate to this scenario at all?

What Is Perfectionism?

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Failure: Foe or Friend?

May 25, 2016


What feelings does that word conjure up? Do you get a knot in your stomach? Do you want to run away from the whole topic? Do you stick to things that are safe for you, so you can avoid failure?

The truth is that if you haven’t failed yet, you’re probably not taking risks. And while life without risks is comfortable, you’re not going to make your dreams come true by staying in your cushy comfort zone.

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Financing Alternatives for Your Fitness Business

April 25, 2016

When I opened my studio several years ago, I had very little credit available to purchase equipment. Okay, the truth was I was drowning in debt because of my divorce. There was no way a bank was going to lend me money, so on went the creative thinking cap.

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How to Deal With Difficult Clients

April 4, 2016

In the more than 25 years I’ve been in the health and fitness field, I’ve been very fortunate to have had some of the best clients and students a trainer could ask for—for the most part, anyway. I have worked with only a few clients whom I have had to approach regarding “bad behavior”—and I don’t mean eating a bag of Oreos.

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Creative Ways to Finance Your Business

February 2, 2016

At some point in your personal training career you may seek financial support. Before locking in a traditional loan, you might look into these alternative sources for funding your new gym or business venture.

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Top Traits of Great Business Leaders

June 1, 2015

Bosses. We’ve all had them. Good, bad, indifferent. What sets the good ones apart from the rest?

If you have difficulty relating to or mobilizing your staff, perhaps it’s time to do a little self-assessment and determine what leadership qualities you may be lacking.

“My favorite project manager always had my back,” recalls Susan Wall, a freelance instructional designer from Lisbon, New Hampshire. “He also trusted me to do my job, and he challenged and encouraged me to step outside my comfort zone.”

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How to Make More Money: The Art of Repurposing

October 3, 2014

As a business owner, you have a lot of responsibilities, with little time to waste. In addition to training clients and teaching classes, you have marketing, paperwork, financial records, website content, workshops “ and the list goes on. Such a busy schedule can make it difficult to boost business by developing new products and services. But what if I told you there’s a way to save time on your marketing efforts and make more money, by using what you’ve already got in new ways?

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