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Plant-Based Diets for Peak Athletic Performance & Fitness: Current Evidence and Future Recommendations


Presented by

Marie Spano, MS, RD, CSCS, CSSD

The beneficial role of plant-based diets for overall health and longevity has long been established, and now more than ever, athletes are exploring how plant-based diets can influence their athletic performance. Well-planned, plant-based diets that include high-quality protein, such as soy, and carbohydrates have been shown to effectively support athletic performance. While soy is a nutrient-dense, complete plant protein, there are misperceptions that accompany soy and its role as part of plant-based diets for performance. Join Marie Spano, MS, RD, CSCS, CSSD, sports nutritionist for the Atlanta Braves and lead author of โ€œNutrition for Sport, Exercise and Health,โ€ as she debunks plant-based diet myths and shares the evidence of plant-based diets in support of peak athletic performance and fitness..

After attending this webinar, fitness and nutrition professionals should be better able to:
1. Define the role of a plant-based eating pattern, including high-quality protein and carbohydrates, in building and repairing muscle mass for peak athletic performance.
2. Address common concerns, misperceptions and challenges that accompany plant-based eating patterns and athletic performance.
3. Share practical application tips with peers and clients, including nutrition information on how to include high-quality protein in a plant-based eating pattern that supports peak athletic performance.