Plant-Based Diets for Peak Athletic Performance & Fitness: Current Evidence and Future Recommendations
The beneficial role of plant-based diets for overall health and longevity has long been established, and now more than ever, athletes are exploring how plant-based diets can influence their athletic performance. Well-planned, plant-based diets that include high-quality protein, such as soy, and carbohydrates have been shown to effectively support athletic performance. While soy is a nutrient-dense, complete plant protein, there are misperceptions that accompany soy and its role as part of plant-based diets for performance. Join Marie Spano, MS, RD, CSCS, CSSD, sports nutritionist for the Atlanta Braves and lead author of “Nutrition for Sport, Exercise and Health,” as she debunks plant-based diet myths and shares the evidence of plant-based diets in support of peak athletic performance and fitness..
After attending this webinar, fitness and nutrition professionals should be better able to:
1. Define the role of a plant-based eating pattern, including high-quality protein and carbohydrates, in building and repairing muscle mass for peak athletic performance.
2. Address common concerns, misperceptions and challenges that accompany plant-based eating patterns and athletic performance.
3. Share practical application tips with peers and clients, including nutrition information on how to include high-quality protein in a plant-based eating pattern that supports peak athletic performance.