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1-Minute Fascial Release Technique

Tom Myers

This 1-Minute Fascial Release Technique Will Change Your Perspective on Stretching

Try this simple experiment to see how stretching one part of your body can make a difference in other parts of your body through fascial connections.

When you activate one part of a fascial line, like the one that runs along the bottom of your feet and up the back of your legs to your sacrum, you can feel a release or change on the other end of the line. Sometimes those changes are the result of physical release and sometimes they are the result of greater awareness and neurological change. Both can help you achieve greater range of motion.

If youโ€™d like to learn (a lot) more about the anatomy of stretch, join Tom Myers, founder of Anatomy Trains, in his new online course, Science of Stretch: Anatomy Training for Stability and Resilience. This online education experience, will help you embody a deeper understanding of how your entire body moves, so you can establish a healthy balance between strength and mobility.