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Mary Bratcher, MA

Mary Bratcher, MA

Mary Bratcher, MA, is a certified life coach and co-owner of The BioMechanics in San Diego, California. She holds a master&#39s degree in psychology; and for over a decade, has used principles from psychology and life coaching to help people develop better strategies for dealing with life&#39s demands. CEC provider for: ACE

Article Archive

How to Host a Profitable Educational Workshop

May 1, 2012

Hosting an educational workshop is an excellent way to raise your profile as an expert in a health and fitness specialty while providing a great additional revenue stream for your business. The teaching experience can also help you refine your theoretical and practical skills while providing attendees with valuable knowledge and information.

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How to Develop Your Own Educational DVD

November 22, 2011

Many fitness professionals entertain the idea of developing their own DVD programs. You may have many amazing talents to share, so what better way to promote them than on camera? As the creators of 10 fitness videos, we have learned the ins and outs of making a DVD from start to finish.

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Stay Motivated and Avoid Career Burnout

April 8, 2011

This article provides fitness professionals with practical ways to approach common business obstacles using a coaching strategy called “gap analysis.” A gap analysis helps people identify where they currently are in a situation, where they ultimately would like to be and what steps they must take in order to bridge the gap. Here’s how a gap analysis can help you avoid career burnout and remain motivated in your job.

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Forge a Successful Fitness Career with Internships

Forge a Successful Fitness Career with Internships

March 31, 2011

Are you thinking about a career in fitness or looking to advance your position in the health and fitness industry? The outlook for personal trainers, fitness professionals and group fitness instructors is very bright indeed! Now is an excellent time to capitalize on this exciting and popular profession. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the personal fitness training industry is set to grow nearly 30% between now and 2018, making “personal trainer/fitness instructor” one of the top growing occupations in the nation.

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Stay Motivated and Avoid Career Burnout

October 18, 2010

This column provides trainers with practical ways to approach common business obstacles using a coaching strategy called “gap analysis.” A gap analysis helps people identify where they currently are in a situation, where they ultimately would like to be and what steps they must take in order to bridge the gap. Here’s how a gap analysis can help you avoid career burnout and remain motivated in your job.

Starting Point: Burning the Candle at Both Ends

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Work Less and Charge More by Becoming a Specialist

September 16, 2010

This column provides trainers with practical ways to approach common business obstacles using a coaching strategy called “gap analysis.” A gap analysis helps people identify where they currently are in a situation, where they ultimately would like to be and the steps they must take in order to bridge the gap. Here’s how a gap analysis can help you earn more money while working less by becoming a specialist in a specific area of health and fitness.

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Learn to Delegate

May 19, 2010

This column provides trainers with practical ways to approach common business obstacles using a coaching strategy called gap analysis. A gap analysis helps people identify where they are currently with regard to a situation, where they ultimately would like to see themselves, and what steps they must take in order to bridge the gap.

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Business Is Business

March 27, 2010

This column provides trainers with practical ways to approach common business obstacles using a coaching strategy called gap analysis. A gap analysis helps people identify where they are currently with regard to a situation, where they ultimately would like to see themselves, and the steps they must take in order to bridge the gap. Here’s how a gap analysis can help you improve your ability to establish and maintain professional boundaries with your clients.

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3 Keys to Signing New Clients

February 18, 2010

You want to close every client who walks through your door. But initial consultations can be uncomfortable for trainers and clients alike. Both parties may feel self-conscious and insecure. Many clients are anxious about their physical issues and/or appearance, and trainers may have less confidence in their business skills than their training skills. Below are three strategies that can help you communicate effectively and close the deal in those crucial initial consultations.

#1: Interacting With People

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Closing the Deal—Conducting Successful Consultations

January 19, 2010

This new column provides trainers with practical ways to approach common business obstacles. Using a coaching strategy called gap analysis, it explores issues that many trainers struggle with. Gap analysis helps people identify where they currently are with regard to a situation, where they would ultimately like to see themselves and the steps they must take to bridge the gap between the two. Here’s how a gap analysis can help you improve your success rate with client consultations.

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Choosing a Specialty

August 27, 2008

Many fitness professionals take a shotgun approach to attracting clients. In essence, they try to be all things to all people. However, the best way to build a solid reputation and a steady client base is to become a specialist in a particular area of health and fitness. Discover why you need to narrow your market focus, how to choose an industry specialty and how to capitalize on your strategic decisions.

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The Secret to Client Retention

March 31, 2008

Client retention is one of the greatest
obstacles fitness professionals can face. However, since it is far more
difficult to attract a new client than to keep a current one, it’s crucial to
strengthen your retention know-how. Discover how to boost client adherence
levels by incorporating fundamental coaching elements into your se…

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When Your Friend Becomes Your Supervisor

August 31, 2007

The workplace is often where we end up
meeting our greatest friends. In fact, some
people spend more hours per day interacting
with co-worker friends than with
their own families. Tight bonds can form
between peers, but what happens when the
fitness friend you have been working with
for years gets a promotion and is now,
gulp, your supervisor! What if you also interviewed
for tha…

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Dealing with Negative People

November 1, 2006

Encounters with negative people can be emotionally draining and stressful. This is especially true when you are generally a positive and productive person but have to interact with fitness colleagues, family members or friends who bring you down. Understanding why some people always…

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Taming Stress

January 1, 2006

Welcome to 2006! The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is over, and it’s time to refocus your energy on your fitness career and personal goals.
For many, the new year brings promise and opportunity, but you may feel irritable and angry instead. The period after New Year’s Day is an unpleasant time for many people. The weeks leading up to the holidays are often fill…

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