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Casey Stutzman

Casey Stutzman

"Casey Stutzman is the owner of The Performance Locker in Alpena, Michigan, where he shares his passion and knowledge for functional and movement-based training with the community. He is a master trainer for TRX®, BOSU®, Surge™ and RealRyder® and conducts seminars and workshops to help other fitness professionals expand their knowledge base and skill set."

Article Archive

First-Session Success

March 1, 2013

“I’m terrified of change, even if it will improve my life.”
“I hate asking for help or admitting that I do not know something.”
“I avoid environments that are unfamiliar or that make me feel out of place.”
“I don’t believe that my own personal shortcomings are a source of my problems.”
“I will defend what I believe, even though it may not be right.”

For many people, those statements are true.

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