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Jackie Camborde

Jackie Camborde

Jackie Camborde has been teaching group fitness classes for over 14 years. She owns Sant├® Studio in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and is the creator of the Real World Fitness series, and her first DVD, Real World Yoga. Jackie is a master trainer for Resist-A-Ball┬«, a registered yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance and a continuing education examiner for AFAA.

Article Archive

Super Subbing

April 30, 2008

The phone rings at 5:00 am. I already know who is on the other
end—it’s an instructor with an emergency or illness, and she is calling me for
help. She knows I am the one to call in this situation: Who else wants to shift
their day around to teach a 7:00 span style=”font-variant: smal…

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Addressing the Instructor Gap

October 31, 2007

No new talent. A dearth of qualified instructors. Young people not interested in teaching. Sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone—many markets across the country lack qualified professionals to teach group fitness. How can we reverse this trend? By hand-picking our newest talent and molding them into the instructors we wish we had! Mentoring novice instructors can help revitalize a group fitne…

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Creating Members for Life

June 30, 2007

Ask the managers of any gym, personal training studio or other fitness-based business what their biggest challenge is and you are bound to hear “member retention.” Getting new members is easy—keeping them is more difficult.
Holding on to members for the long term is a special science, one that makes you think about how you approach every aspect of your business….

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