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Carol Krucoff

Carol Krucoff

Article Archive

Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Pain

July 15, 2015

In our high-stress, hurried world—filled with financial pressures, information overload, “terror alerts” and sleeplessness—many people feel the weight of the world on their shoulders. Add to this emotional tension the physical stress of sedentary lifestyles with long hours spent hunched over computers and, all too often, the result is a serious pain in the neck.

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Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Pain

June 23, 2011

In our high-stress, hurried world—filled with financial pressures, information overload, “terror alerts” and sleeplessness—many people feel the weight of the world on their shoulders. Add to this emotional tension the physical stress of sedentary lifestyles with long hours spent hunched over computers and, all too often, the result is a serious pain in the neck.

What’s more, the problem doesn’t stop there. Chronic neck pain is linked to a host of related disorders, including headache, jaw soreness, and pain radiating into the shoulders, upper back and arms.

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Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Pain

May 25, 2011

IIn our high-stress, hurried world—filled with financial pressures, information overload, “terror alerts” and sleeplessness—many people feel the weight of the world on their shoulders. Add to this emotional tension the physical stress of sedentary lifestyles with long hours spent hunched over computers and, all too often, the result is a serious pain in the neck.

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Therapeutic Yoga for Seniors

February 17, 2011

Almost 20% of America’s nearly 16 million yoga practitioners are over age 55 (Yoga Journal 2008), which presents both an extraordinary opportunity and a serious challenge for yoga instructors. While some older adults are extremely healthy and fit—able to do headstands and other difficult postures—more common are those who fit the profile of an “average”…

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