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Author Guidelines

FAQs About Submitting an Article Idea

Who writes for IDEA?

Most of our authors are certified fitness professionals, some with advanced degrees or equivalent experience in a related discipline, or experienced journalists, bloggers or writers. We are particularly interested in hearing from fitness industry experts who like to share evidence-based ideas and practical approaches that our readers can use to improve their businesses and their clients’ lives.

Who are our readers?

Our readers are personal trainers, health coaches, group fitness instructors, program directors, nutrition professionals, business owners and managers, and other health and wellness professionals. IDEA readers have a broad range of educational backgrounds; many have advanced degrees in health- and fitness-related fields.

What are we looking for?

We are drawn to article ideas that offer interesting, meaningful and timely information—topics that balance research with practical application. We want to empower and inspire our readers to improve their career paths, and to help their clients make sustainable health choices through fitness, nutrition, technology, recovery and behavior change strategies.

How about web content?

All content on originated in one of IDEA's publications. If you wish to contribute content, please follow our formal query system (detailed below).

Publications That Consider Submissions

Fitness Journal

IDEA Fitness Journal

Our award-winning flagship Fitness Journal is published quarterly and strives to inspire and educate fitness and health professionals with up-to-date industry information and comprehensive research on exercise science, weight management, nutrition, behavior change, holistic wellness, program design, sports conditioning, industry trends, personal and professional growth, and more.

  • Fitness Journal features are approximately 3,000–3,500 words in length and cover industry issues and research reviews. Sample topics include special populations, fitness industry news and trends, career strategies, client motivation, behavior change, industry growth, nutrition, exercise technique and program design. Visit to review past issues and articles.
  • Fitness Journal columns are approximately 1,400–1,800 words long. Topics include program design for clients with special conditions or goals, research, nutrition, behavior change, functional aging, programming, instructor skills, anatomy, recovery strategies, behavior change, health coaching, business planning and more. Visit to review the regular columns that rotate throughout the year.

Learn about other IDEA publications.

The Article Query Process: The Basics

What is a “query”?

A query (or query letter) is a traditional publishing term that refers to a formal message sent to editors. Writers send queries to propose ideas. Typically, a query covers the topic, offers a description, along with writer qualifications and more, depending on the publication. It helps the editor screen writers and ideas and find the best placement.

Your query

Your query must be an original piece of work that has not been published elsewhere. Please do not submit finished manuscripts; everything we publish starts from scratch. The article should also

  • directly address the needs of fitness and health professionals (not just fitness and health consumers)
  • be evidence-based
  • include practical, how-to application
  • reflect your own qualifications as an expert in this area
  • contribute to our mission to educate professionals and Inspire the World to Fitness®

Got the Basics Down? Submit a Formal Query.

If you think your idea is suited for IDEA’s readership, send us a query letter (in the body of an email, or as an MS Word attachment) that includes

  • the proposed topic and the questions you will answer
  • why this idea is relevant to fitness and health professionals
  • why you are the person to write the article (a resume or biography listing your credentials is helpful)
  • the general topics or points you will cover with this article (list a few, or include a rough outline)
  • how you will include practical how-to information in your article
  • a short list or links to peer-reviewed research you propose to use to support the article

Submit a formal query

Article Query form

Be sure to include: The proposed topic and the questions you will answer; a statement of why this idea is relevant to fitness and health professionals; a statement of why you are the person to write the article (a resume or biography listing your credentials is helpful); a list of the general topics or points you will cover; examples of how you will include practical “how-to” information; a short list or links to peer-reviewed research you propose to support the article.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 10 MB.

    What Happens Next?

    • IDEA’s Editorial Review Committee will read, discuss and determine the query’s relevance and timeliness.
    • Our team of experts will consider your idea on the basis of timeliness, relevance and your credentials or experience. We also look at your ability to follow simple instructions. If you don’t follow our process as outlined here, your query probably will not be considered.
    • The review process takes 6 to 8 weeks. After this time, you will receive notification as to whether or not your article may be used.
    • When an idea is tentatively approved but cannot be immediately slated for a specific issue, it may be held for a period of time for additional consideration. If an idea is approved, it is placed on the “go” list for inclusion in an upcoming issue. When the article is definitely placed in an issue, it is formally assigned to the author.

    Author Guidelines for Accepted Ideas

    Was your idea accepted? Congratulations! You’re part of a celebrated selection of IDEA authors. Here’s what you need to know:

    • The assigning editor will work with you to define manuscript length, content and payment.
    • We pay within 60 days of final acceptance (once your author checking copy is approved, we consider it “accepted,” and we purchase all rights to the article).
    • Remember that your article must target the professional, not the consumer.
    • Write with a clear, concise voice that is easy to understand.
    • IDEA has high fact-checking standards, and we are proud to have very few errors of fact in our publications. Therefore, authors are responsible for the accuracy of all data and must be able to document their information with firsthand experience, interviews with experts and/or references to published sources. You will be required to include this backup documentation with your manuscript.

    Note: We receive hundreds of queries every year. We produce a limited number of issues, and we have a limited number of articles that we can assign. Current trends, previous or planned articles on related subjects, and numerous other factors also determine our ability to accept submitted ideas.

    Whether or not we are able to accept your query, we appreciate your interest in IDEA and your initiative in submitting your idea to us.

    Maggie Awards

    13 WPA Maggie Awards

    Western Publications Association
    2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2017