Sage Solutions A strong, specialized education gives Sarah Collins the power to make a difference for older adults.
Kids’ Fitness Assessment Guidelines What trainers need to know to accurately assess fitness levels in children.
Sample Class: Riding the Wind This fartlek training approach increases anaerobic threshold and VO2 one interval at a time.
The Circle of Wellness: Bringing Health & Hope to Native Communities Diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease risk are looming threats to the indigenous people of North America. How can you help - and what can you learn from their cultures?
Cardiovascular Medication and Your Client Support your client's heart health with appropriate exercise programming and basic pharmacology knowledge.
Energy Balance IDEA presenter and industry veteran Marcos Prolo shares his thoughts on current trends and simple motivation.
Creating Balance Between Fitness and Family Equilibrium is within your reach after you prioritize and take action on the things that matter most.
Iron Deficiency Anemia and Exercise Why athletes and other active clients may have increased iron needs-and the best food sources to prevent iron deficiency anemia and sports anemia.
Training Kids & Adolescents If you have a passion for promoting fun and fitness in children and teens, the time may be right to break into the burgeoning youth market.