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Lynne Skilton-Hayes

Lynne Skilton-Hayes

"Lynne Skilton-Hayes is the fitness program supervisor at the University of Guelph, where she is responsible for hundreds of programs for students, faculty, staff and the community. She holds a bachelor's degree in exercise science and brings over 20 years of education and experience to the fitness industry. Lynne is an international fitness presenter/educator, a canfitpro pro trainer, and she has done work for television, print and online DVD curricula. Certifications: ACE, canfitpro"

Article Archive

Kickin’ Cooldown: Post-Kickboxing Stretches

April 23, 2019

Kickboxing is an empowering class that builds confidence and improves balance, cardiovascular endurance, proprioception, strength and dynamic flexibility. It’s an effective total-body workout, especially when taught correctly, with key tenets in mind. Some say kickboxing is on the downswing; however, it’s possible that any decline in popularity is due, not to the format itself, but to how it’s being taught (or mistaught). It continues to be a staple in many facilities.

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Primed to Squat

March 21, 2018

Why is it that so few people can squat correctly, yet my 8-year-old son squats perfectly? I’ve never taught him how to squat; he innately learned how, just as he learned to roll over, crawl, pull himself up and eventually walk. He simply needed the freedom to allow his body to move. Movement before strength is key.

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Sample Class: A Tabata-Inspired Blast

December 14, 2017

The high-intensity interval training wave is still cresting, thanks to its positive metabolic effects and its ability to elicit results. HIIT raises the anaerobic threshold and creates excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), or oxygen debt. Simply put, metabolism stays elevated for longer after an intense workout than it does after low-intensity exercise.
Tabata™—one of many HIIT protocols—alternates 20 seconds of very hard work with 10 seconds of all-out rest, repeated eight times for a 4-minute set. The metabolic workout presented here is inspired by the original concept, created by Izumi Tabata, and combines intense cardio with strength supersets, which serve as active rest.

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Sample Class: Tabata-Inspired Blast

October 23, 2017

The high-intensity interval training wave is still cresting, thanks to its positive metabolic effects and its ability to elicit results. HIIT raises the anaerobic threshold and creates excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), or oxygen debt. Simply put, metabolism stays elevated for longer after an intense workout than it does after low-intensity exercise.

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