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Kristin Fischer, MS

Kristin Fischer, MS

Kristin Fischer, MS, is a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, health educator and continuing education provider for ACE and AFAA, as well as a master trainer for BOSU┬« and GlidingÔäó. She is a member of the Elevate Education Pro Team, an ACE subject matter expert and an ACE exam development committee member.

Article Archive

Fun, Team-Oriented Cool-Down Games

December 13, 2012

At the end of every thrilling fireworks show is a great finale. Wouldn’t it be anticlimactic to close with quiet music and a few sparse booms? Similarly, a heart-pumping, challenging class deserves its own finale. If you’ve ever spent an entire class energizing participants only to leave them slowly peeling themselves off the floor in a dark room half-asleep, read on for some fun ideas to help them walk out feeling invigorated and excited to come back.

Creative Cool-Downs

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Create a Finale

September 27, 2012

At the end of every thrilling fireworks show is a great finale. Wouldn’t it be anticlimactic to close with quiet music and a few sparse booms? Similarly, a heart-pumping, challenging class deserves its own finale. If you’ve ever spent an entire class energizing participants only to leave them slowly peeling themselves off the floor in a dark room half-asleep, read on for some fun ideas to help them walk out feeling invigorated and excited to come back.

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