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John Berardi, PhD

John Berardi, PhD

John Berardi, PhD, and Krista Scott-Dixon, PhD, are part of the Precision Nutrition team, a group of nutrition, exercise and lifestyle professionals dedicated to helping people achieve lasting personal change through diet and exercise. To gather more tips on coaching clients and improving adherence, check out www.preci sionnutrition.com/course-for-fitness-professionals.

Article Archive

The Elephant in Your Brain

October 1, 2014

We all like to assume that we’re rational, logical beings who make well-considered decisions based on a careful review of all the available evidence. But in the groundbreaking book Switch (Crown 2010), authors and brothers Chip and Dan Heath liken the relationship of the right brain and the left brain to that of an elephant and the person riding it. The powerful, potentially unreliable elephant is the emotional, intuitive right brain.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Intermittent Fasting

April 14, 2014

Intermittent fasting has hit the mainstream, and a lot of people are taking notice. Before you decide to try this weight loss method, here are some things that you should consider.

Will intermittent fasting cause muscle loss?

Probably not. As long as you get adequate protein and include resistance training in your program, you should maintain your muscle mass.

Can I drink coffee or tea during a fast?

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Intermittent Fasting: A Primer

March 11, 2014

If you haven’t had a client ask about it yet, you will soon. Intermittent fasting has hit the mainstream, and a lot of peo- ple are taking notice.

Proponents claim that intermittent fasting causes more rapid weight loss than other approaches; that it makes dieting easier; and that it improves blood glucose control and blood lipids. Does the current body of evidence support these claims? Let’s find out.

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

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Clients Not Sticking With the Program? Here’s Help!

April 26, 2012

Tough clients. Every fitness professional has them. You know, the ones who make you think, “What is wrong with you? Why can’t you follow simple instructions or do what’s good for you?” Don’t take it personally. When prescribed life-saving medications for cancer, heart disease and diabetes, patients take them a shockingly low 55% of the time, according to a World Health Organization estimate. If almost half of people can’t spare 10 seconds to pop a pill, how can we expect them to exercise and to eat a healthy diet?

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The Compliance Solution

February 15, 2012

Tough clients. Every fitness professional’s got them. You know, the ones who make you gnash your teeth, bite your tongue and think, “What is wrong with you? Why can’t you follow simple instructions or do what’s good for you?” Don’t take it personally. Pharmaceutical companies and physicians are gnashing their teeth as well. Too many medical patients are not taking their pills.

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