Eve Fleck, MS
Eve Fleck, MS
Article Archive
The “anaerobics” format presented here brings back music and rhythm as the framework for high-intensity intervals.
Read MoreRotational movement is part of everyday life, but in order to have high levels of rotational strength, you need good trunk stability. No single muscle causes rotation or stabilization; the movements depend on a combination of several muscles working together in the transverse plane. These core muscles are always working, either to cause rotation or to resist it (to stabilize). This condensed specialty class introduces students to rotation and antirotation exercises.
Read MoreClasses that appeal to athletes often intimidate many beginning- and intermediate-level exercisers; however, participants of all levels can do a challenging plyometrics class if you give them options. Jumping, in fact, can provide a foundation for inclusive, fun and effective training. By teaching with layers, you facilitate self-paced progression that challenges everyone. Jump Onboard Details…
Read MoreClasses that appeal to athletes often intimidate many beginning- and intermediate-level exercisers; however, participants of all levels can do a challenging plyometrics class if you give them options. Jumping, in fact, can provide a foundation for inclusive, fun and effective training. By teaching with layers, you facilitate self-paced progression that challenges everyone.
Jump Onboard Details
FORMAT: Layered plyometric intervals using a step platform.
You know the ones. Their commitment is inspiring. They consistently show up to class and work hard to master everything you throw at them. Where do you take them next? How can they move past their plateaus to reach the next level of fitness? These students are ready to be athletes—all they need is a…
Read MoreTabata intervals (named for Japanese researcher Izumi Tabata) are a great example of structured intervals. Tabata training includes a 20-second high-intensity anaerobic work interval followed by a 10-second rest, repeated eight times in a row. In a creative twist on Tabata, this sample workout alternates moderate-intensity intervals with higher-intensity bouts of the same exercise. Three intensity options allow people of different fitness levels to start at different points, while still having a way to progress the pattern.
Read MoreInterval workouts are popular, easy to teach and challenging for students at various fitness levels. When you build a reliable structure into your intervals, participants are better able to manage their energy output, which optimizes effectiveness and results.
With structured intervals, you set up specific rest and work times in advance so that students know what to expect. Knowing the work period is only 20 seconds long, for example, allows participants to challenge themselves at a very high level in anticipation of an immediate recovery.
Read MoreHigh-intensity, short-duration circuit training is a type of metabolic training that breaks the mold of traditional group exercise. You can use this circuit format with recreational exercisers—to jumpstart their routines—or intensify it to challenge your fittest participants and athletes with great success. Circuits consist of three to five compound exercises that challenge major upper- or lower-body muscle groups, as well as some type of cardiovascular interval for a complete workout. Structure the circuits using time or repetitions, and perform the exercises at an intensity level that creates a very high level of fatigue by the end of the circuit. Rest is self-selected.
Read MoreHigh-intensity, short-duration circuit training is a type of metabolic training that breaks the mold of traditional group exercise. You can use this circuit format with recreational exercisers—to jumpstart their routines—or intensify it to challenge your fittest participants and athletes with great success.
Read MoreTake a break from choreography and give your students this athletic challenge on the step. The interval format is easy to teach and can be adapted for all fitness levels. Interval training is a valuable tool for re-energizing students and increasing their fitness levels, and it fits in nicely with other popular “metabolic training” programs. Also, because of its intensity, this class combines well with other formats such as weight training, yoga or mat Pilates.
Read MoreIndoor boot camp-style classes have exploded in popularity recently because they offer a fun, demanding atmosphere that generates results. Often, clients who want tough cardio workouts can be found in the indoor cycling room or at outdoor boot camps, leaving the group exercise studio for the choreography lovers. Not anymore! Sneaker Camp takes the best of both worlds and allows you to provide heart-pumping workouts without all the yelling, while keeping the creature comforts of music and air conditioning!
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Read MoreIndoor boot camp–style classes have exploded in popularity recently because they offer a fun, demanding atmosphere that generates results. Often, members or clients who want tough cardio workouts can be found in the indoor cycling room or at outdoor boot camps, leaving the group exercise studio for the choreography lovers. Not anymore! Sneaker Camp takes…
Read MoreIt’s the first day of the convention, and you walk into th…
Read MoreDo you work at a facility on a tight budget, or are you just looking for a creative new way to teach a challenging class? Don’t forget that your own body can be a valuable piece of equipment for both cardiovascular and strength training. Used effectively, body weight can provide optimal functional resistance for anaerobic interval training.
Anaerobic training is an essential c…
A strong and stable core is the best foundation for improved strength, endurance, balance and agility. No matter what type of class you teach, you’ll enhance the experience by helping students engage their cores more effectively. These simple exercises can be used in any type of class because they’re performed while standing and do not require equipment. Try them in your warm-up …
Read MoreHave you been having trouble drawing a new crowd into your b…
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