School or University Pricing
There are several options to participate in IDEA World Health & Fitness. Custom build your experience from a Full Conference (4-day) registration or Single Day Registration.
As a show of appreciation to schools and universities promoting health & wellness, a deep discount of 50% off the regular price has been created specifically for students and educators.
An .edu email MUST be used when registering. Any registrations using school or university pricing not using an .edu email will be cancelled.
Your event registration includes a 1-year IDEA Student Membership! Benefits of IDEA membership include:
- Access to IDEA’s Article Library
- Client Newsletter
- Newsletters and Digital Publications
- Member Perks
- Discounted IDEA Events
- And More!
Full Conference Registration
IDEAfit Professional Membership Bundle
Get full access to all 2024 IDEA World has to offer, plus a 1-year IDEAfit Student Membership which includes access to the IDEA Article Library, Digital Publications including the award-winning IDEA Fitness Journal, Access to IDEA Insurance Services, discounted IDEA Events, Member Perks and more!
1-Day Registration
Thursday Only: IDEAfit Professional Membership Bundle
Get full access to all sessions taking place on Thursday, plus a 1-year IDEAfit Student Membership which includes access to the IDEA Article Library, Digital Publications including the award-winning IDEA Fitness Journal, Access to IDEA Insurance Services, discounted IDEA Events, Member Perks and more!
*Does not include the Welcome Party
Friday Only: IDEAfit Professional Membership Bundle
Get full access to all sessions taking place on Friday, plus a 1-year IDEAfit Student Membership which includes access to the IDEA Article Library, Digital Publications including the award-winning IDEA Fitness Journal, Access to IDEA Insurance Services, discounted IDEA Events, Member Perks and more!
Saturday Only: IDEAfit Professional Membership Bundle
Get full access to all sessions taking place on Saturday, plus a 1-year IDEAfit Student Membership which includes access to the IDEA Article Library, Digital Publications including the award-winning IDEA Fitness Journal, Access to IDEA Insurance Services, discounted IDEA Events, Member Perks and more!
Learn more about the benefits of being an IDEAfit member