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628 The Ultimate Plank Party

  • Presented by: Siri Chilazi, MBA

  • July 13, 2024 7:30am - 9:20am

  • This session has been approved by the following agencies:

ace 0.20 acsm 2.00 action 0.20 afaa 2.00 afpa 2.00 bcrpa 2.00 chek 2.00 fai 2.00 ifpa 2.00 issa 2.00 nafc 0.20 nafta 0.60 nasm 0.20 nccpt 2.00 ncep 2.00 ncsf 1.00 nesta 0.20 neta 2.00 nfpt 0.40 niew 0.20 nspa 2.00

You probably offer planks as part of your workouts and classes, but are you sure you’re doing them correctly and setting your clients up for success? In this session, you will learn everything you will ever need to know about the why behind planking, benefits and cautions, proper form, cueing and coaching planks effectively, and variations for all bodies. Walk away with a simple framework for generating endless plank variations and modifications for any situation, plus 200+ plank ideas (with and without equipment) to make planks challenging, interesting, and accessible to all populations.

Session 628

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