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830 Maximizing Multi-Segmental Whole-Body Rotational Power

  • Presented by: Adam Jongsma, MSc

  • July 16, 2023 9:35am - 11:25am

  • This session has been approved by the following agencies:

aasfp 0.10 ace 0.18 acsm 1.00 action 0.20 afaa 2.00 afpa 2.00 bcrpa 2.00 chek 2.00 fai 2.00 ifpa 2.00 issa 2.00 nafc 0.20 nasm 0.20 nccpt 2.00 ncep 2.00 ncsf 1.00 nesta 0.20 neta 2.00 nfpt 0.40 niew 0.20 nsca 0.20 nspa 2.00 ptag 2.00

Many clients participate in activities that require rotational power, such as golf, tennis and baseball. Have you ever thought about the transferability of your training to help them better perform their activity of choice? This session will investigate the foundations of rotational power and how to develop it in your clients. You’ll leave with programming and coaching strategies to enhance client rotational power for improved athletic performance. 

Session 830

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