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Half of U.K. Adults Can’t Run 100 Meters

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The 2012 Summer Olympic Games showcased the world’s fastest sprinters. Unfortunately, many of those watching the games are doubtful they could successfully complete one of the Olympic Track & Field’s major events.

According to a survey conducted by Slimming World, a United Kingdom–based weight loss company, and YouGov®, nearly 50% of U.K. adults feel it’s unlikely they could run 100 meters—one of track’s shortest events—without stopping.

The survey included 2,065 men and women and asked a variety of questions about weight, eating habits and fitness levels. Results revealed that 56% of female respondents and 31% of males believed that covering 100 meters nonstop would be extremely difficult or impossible. The survey also found that 75% of respondents never participated in competitive events; 55% reported complete inactivity.

While events like the Olympics prove inspiring, it seems they may trigger feelings of inadequacy and possibly deter spectators from participating in physical activity pursuits.

“These findings show how daunting the idea of physical activity can be for the many of us who lead completely sedentary lives,” says Carolyn Pallister, public health manager for Slimming World. “That’s why the real focus of any program designed to help people become more active needs to be about helping people to build their confidence in their ability to make changes. Whether it’s taking the stairs instead of the lift, swapping sedentary video consoles for active gaming like the Nintendo® Wii™ or Xbox® Kinect or joining a Zumba® class or kicking a football around in the park, we see first-hand what a difference small, enjoyable changes can make.”

Learn more about Slimming World at www.slimmingworld.com.

Ryan Halvorson

Ryan Halvorson is an award-winning writer and editor, and IDEA's director of event programming.

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