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Tips to Avoid Golf-Related Wrist Injuries

As the summer temperature rises, so does the number of people hitting the links for a bit of friendly (or not) competition. But poor form and inappropriate training methods can keep eager golfers from participating in their outdoor activity of choice. According to IDEA author Catherine Logan, MSPT, simple adjustments to swing and a proactive attitude will allow for long-lasting enjoyment of the sport. “Most of the wrist injuries I see in golfers are related to overuse of their wrist flexor and extensor tendons,” says Logan. “The injury most often occurs as a result of poor swing mechanics and poor training progression.”

Weekend warrior types tend to practice too long, too infrequently, leading to potential injury, contends Logan. Here are a few of her suggestions for maintaining optimal wrist function; they might even help your clients improve their game!

Get Guidance.
Work with a golf pro to learn good wrist control. This will help you avoid excessive
movement, which can lead to injury during the swing phase.

Size Matters.
Injuries often occur in the leading wrist if your club fit is poor. Pay close attention to the fit and length of your club before heading out for practice or play.

Loosen Up.
A forceful grip during ulnar deviation (down swing) can place excessive strain on the wrist.

Stay Regular.
Practice for short periods of time more consistently to avoid injuries related to training error.
Intermittent and extensive practice periods may be detrimental to wrist health.

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